Tag Archive for: hillary

Right to Representation

Our daughters have a right to see women in the picture too.…

Not Nameless Faceless Kids – Hers

I read this blog about a mother's struggle to insure her special…

Balancing Act

by Tracee Sioux How does this sound? Paid family leave so…

Political Survey

This website aims to be bi-partisan. In the sense that I'm…

Terrorism Commercial

by Tracee Sioux Flash from scared innocent kids asking these…

What Would Jesus Do?

Dear Christian Family Values Voters, What would Jesus do?…

Empower Your Daughter With Health Insurance

by Tracee SiouxI received an email is from MoveOn.org, a political…

Global Democracy Promotion Act

by Tracee Sioux The American Government participates in legislating…

It's NEVER The Copay

By Tracee SiouxYour ankle better be broken.Do you know how much…

Convoluted Government

By Tracee Sioux I got this email from Population Connection,…

Global Gag Rule is Anti-Girl

There is an amendment to the Global Gag Rule before congress…

Shut Up John Mayer, Stop Waiting On the World to Change

by Tracee Sioux The hit song, Waiting on the World to Change…