Misti Townsend head shot

Misti Townsend

Tracee is an absolute powerhouse.  She's engaging, dynamic, and knows her stuff like you wouldn't believe.  This force to be reckoned with is rising fast, and I cannot wait to see how her empire & influence grows. 

Soul Spark Revolution Reader December 5, 2013

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Always say “Yes” – the good stuff starts to come your way

5.0 out of 5 starsAlways say "Yes" - the good stuff starts to come your way Truly amazing piece of work. Tracee hits it on the nail with this memoir. We must trust our souls, listen to what it wants us to show up and begin in our lives. I relate to pieces of Tracee's story and sometimes it is simply deciding to show up. The soul does not stop talking to us - we stop hearing those whispers that will lead us out of the dark places that life can throw at us. This book is a reminder that a new direction in life can be taken at anytime. With a enough tenacity, grit and support, life will open up like a beautiful flower when the sun hits it. Say Yes whenever possible to you, your life, your voice 🙂

Darryl Stewart Manifesting Your Best Life March 24, 2016

Kimber Korsgaard

Firstly, I LOVE this fucking book.


Kimber Korsgaard Soul vs. Ego Smackdown reader Year of YES! Client January 19, 2016

Andy Dooley

This book is EPIC! It will rock your soul. The “Year of Yes” is a raw and honest memoir! Tracee is fearless in sharing her journey. Her desire to be happy and live a year of YES will inspire you to do the same!

Creator of Vibration Activation™ January 21, 2016

Christine Garvin

Tracee helped me to get really clear about what I needed to shift in my business in order to bring more money in, work with my natural rhythms instead of against them, work with time in a much more efficient way, and to keep tuning back into what my soul is asking me to do.

After I started working with Tracee, I took the leap to move into my own place after sharing a house with a roommate for a couple of years. This has opened up my creativity and a sense of ease that I have not had since I started my business. I also produced a large-scale dance and variety show, which greatly increased my standing in a town that has a LOT of artists competing for attention. She helped me set goals and boundaries during this understandably stressful time, all the while helping me to begin envisioning life after the show, and moving my business to a national model that is more lucrative. She also worked with me around the need to authentically present myself to groups of women in order to grow my business, which I definitely needed a push on! I am super grateful for all the big and small things I learned while working with Tracee that are now an integral part of my business.

Christine Garvin Dance Year of YES! Client January 19, 2016

Robert Devereaux

Fair warning: You've picked up a book that takes no prisoners, freeing
instead those long held captive. Circumstances can sometimes lead one to
settle, to sidetrack, to dim one's dreams. Well, Tracee Sioux refuses to
settle, striking out instead to seize her dream and to find and fulfill a
grand purpose. Her words burn with pasion and desire. In their raging
hunger for love and money long overdue, they burst Blake's mind-forged
manacles, again and again. This is Whitman's barbaric yawp writ large and
new, spirited and spiritual, sexy and frank, burning off the dross and
finding love in all directions, reaching further, ever further. A year of
giving the Soul its head no matter what is an audacious premise, full of
suspense and wonder as the dregs of a highly challenging past are reforged
into a future that is the birthright of those bold enough to seize it. As
we travel through the year, the great question emerges: Will this
experiment succeed or fail, and in what ways? Just know that surprises lie
ahead and that you're in for one hell of a ride. This is a life-changing
memoir, both for its author and for her readers, laying bare all the crap,
exposing it to the light of day. It's an act of bravery, of risk, opening
all aspects of her life to the healing power of sunlight, moonlight,
starlight. Stepping bolding into public view with a manifesto that is part
confession, part lamentation, part declaration of independence--all of it
a grand rush of desire, demand, and inspired rallying cry.

author, Baby's First Book of Seriously Fucked-Up Shit January 21, 2016

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A gem that burns with clarity and fire

Part memoir, part joyous manifesto, The Year of YES! is a book full of passion, desire, daring, and an utter refusal to take any s*** from anyone or anything ever again, to heed and honor that soulful voice within. It inspires and excites in equal measure. It may be the shaking up your soul needs, a clarion call trumpeted at just the right time for you. Written from the heart, its words will travel straight to yours. Sample it and see what I mean. Then welcome it into your life!

R.D. Amazon Reviewer March 24, 2016

Pete Cassaboon

Tracee Sioux, the mastress of manifestation has been very instrumental in my year of progress. As the creator of Year of Yes she inspired me to start my own year of faith. As she says do everything your soul tells you to do, I have taken every step that I have felt divinely led to. It doesn't matter if I think I have the resources or the talent, if Spirit gives me the inspiration, I take the leap. I am so thankful for her and her energetic, catalyst personality that has helped me to experience the most formative year of my life. Only work with Tracee if you are truly ready for change to become who you have always truly wanted to be. I can't thank her enough, she is a true inspiration in her field.

True2YouRadio Station Manager, Angel Encourager Reader October 9, 2014

Jeanne Schlesinger

Jeanne Schlesinger

Tracee has helped me come to look at myself through the eyes of my loving inner child. Thank you, Tracee, for guiding me to this indescribable joy.

Unique Lense Photography Reader November 11, 2013

CJ McDaniel

Tracee has given me more effective tools and ideas and has helped me stay motivated until results have flowed in. I am more positive and attracting what I desire almost all of the time as opposed to part of the time. I feel more supported, as well.

Tracee is extremely knowledgeable, motivated, creative, and energetic and results oriented. She not only talks the talk, but she walks the walk-- a rare thing in the business world. Chances are that whatever you barriers to success are (whether marketing, limiting belief systems, fear, lack of know-how and so on) she has been through it and has a solution for you that is customized to meet your needs!

Lymphworks Maxcelerators February 7, 2014

Anne-Marie Sherrer

Because of Tracee, I have taken the first steps out of my comfort zone. I am taking bold strides towards fulfillment of my vision.

November 11, 2013


Your Soul

You have a purpose! There's something here, in this life, for YOU! Read this book and find out what it is!

January 26, 2016

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Five Stars

A phenomenal book. Inspires me to Say YES! to my own Soul's Purpose. It is raw, real and inspirational.

Anna Koclanes Amazon Reviewer March 24, 2016

I knew better than to buy this book.

It's my own fault; I got sucked in because I am in a similar place in my life. I give her credit for sharing very personal challenges, but she basically just published her own journal. This is a disjointed, rambling stream of consciousness. She didn't even put enough effort into it to complete thoughts or draw conclusions. She says she's going to do something and there is no follow up on how it went; we don't even know if she actually did it. I hope she puts more effort into her "life coaching business" than she did to this "book".

D. M. Davis Amazon Reviewer March 24, 2016

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Here’s a woman saying it like it is

Wow! I couldn't put the book down. I had to know what happened next. I was going Yes! I recognize that! I know that! Here's a woman saying it like it is! Moments of bliss and orgasm! Moments of anguish! OMG, she's holding nothing back! As I turn the pages she is becoming a friend. So many of the experiences we all have and she has the guts to say it. I am in awe! Amazing book! Now my life is opening in ways I couldn't have guessed. Thank you Tracee Sioux!

Winston Hampton Healer March 24, 2016

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I say yes!

I say yes! The Year of Yes by Tracee Sioux, what a great read, I had a hard time putting it down. I saw myself in a few of the scenarios, so many pieces hit home. I appreciate her openness and candidness in sharing her life experiences with us. It really made me think about what I want in my life.

Amazon Reviewer March 24, 2016

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I have great respect for her! Janna Phillips

Tracee Sioux does outstanding work with her clients. She took the time to help me understand the best way to proceed. I have great respect for her! –Janna Phillips, author of Out of the Blue: A Psychic’s Memoir.

February 22, 2023

Awilda Keller

I wanted to let you know that my husband Rich is changing. He is talking more spiritual and calm. Thank you for all you do. What you do is amazing.

Wife of Year of YES! Client January 26, 2016

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Bina Mehta

I am very grateful to have met Tracee at a pivotal point in my career as an Energy Healer. We worked together from summer 2012 and ended our business engagement at the end of 2014. Prior to working with Tracee I had almost no online presence. Tracee educated me about the importance of a website, social media postings and other marketing knowledge. Tracee and her team were absolutely instrumental in setting up my first professional site. With Tracee's motivational coaching, I’ve gone from having a nearly non-existent practice to feeling empowered and confident in my ability to grow & expand my healing business.

Feminine Divine Year of YES! Client November 11, 2013

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Tracee has spoken the words that have been bouncing in …

Tracee has spoken the words that have been bouncing in my head... and placed them on paper and shared them with everyone...
"Turn the LIGHT ON!" she shouts to us all... ! It only takes one to begin the process. Reading the Tracee's story and how she found allowances... and truths is both soul searing and encouraging!
If you do nothing else for yourself, read this book and listen to the echos in your own heart - then do something about it!!!!
11 stars for "The Year of YES!"

Patsy-Patricia March 24, 2016


" Mom....your Life Coach is Really Amazing! I mean she's REALLY AMAZING!" I think so too Olivia Tracee Sioux ?

Olivia Client's Daughter April 19, 2016

Janna Phillips

Tracee Sioux is a wonderful publisher. She edited and published my book OUT OF THE BLUE A PSYCHIC'S MEMOIR. Tracee Sioux is professional and does outstanding work with her clients. She took the time to help me understand the best way to proceed. I have great respect for her abilities!

author, Out of the Blue: A Psychic's Memoir January 26, 2016

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Mary Michael Justice

I attended one of Tracee’s events, simply aware that I had something to heal. My life changed. My heart healed. I can not thank you enough.

Workshop Attendee November 11, 2013

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Listen Up!

Listen Up! I've been waiting to read Tracee's memoir. Not only is Tracee sharing her personal healing journey...there are so many areas that every person can relate to that require our own personal healing. It is funny, encouraging, touching and teaching. It has you begin to listen to the quiet, persistent and gentle voice of YOUR soul. The soul's voice is gentle, loving and encouraging. The ego's voice is condemning. Which do you listen to and most readily respond to. How do your decisions reflect in your life. Something to take notice of. Thank you Tracee for your vulnerability both within the book and on the cover!

Beth G Bolta Women's Empowerment Coach March 24, 2016

Pat Forbes

I started working with Tracee about 3 years ago. She is amazing at helping me come out of my Hermitness. Actually she not only helped me but drug me kicking and screaming at some moments. If it were not for her I would not have been able to give a lecture and workshop at the Star Knowledge Conference 2014 & invited back for 2015. She comes up with ideas for me that I would never think of nor know how to execute. She has created my new website and projects for me for the entire year ready for me to carryout, with her help of course. Tracee is a real forward thinker and knows how to take a person into their next step of manifesting their goal.

Alchemy Universal Therapies Year of YES! Client January 19, 2016

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Refreshingly honest piece of writing. Buy this for yourself and your friends.

Refreshingly honest piece of writing. Buy this for yourself and your friends. Astonishing, vivid, wildly honest piece of work. Tracee's book would be a wonderful holiday gift for any woman on the planet. She writes with authenticity and courage. I will buy several of these to bless my friends.

Rev. Rose Marie Studer March 24, 2016

Your Ego

Do not read this book. You don't have $15 to buy it. You'll never have enough time to read it. You don't have a Soul Purpose and even if you did you're not good enough to live it. Go binge watch Netflix.

January 26, 2016

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YESSSS!!! If we could all open up and courageously navigate through the uncharted territories of our pain, love, emotions & inner knowing, this World might be a healthier, happier, safer place. Tracee has so gracefully achieved this, not just for herself, but for us all. If we want to change the World we have to change ourselves. Thank you Tracee for opening up and helping guide us along such an incredible road of courage and magic!!!!

Katie Gray Singer, Sea Stars March 24, 2016

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What I love is he is being so OPEN to it

What I love is he is being so OPEN to it Year of Yes! I bought this book and my fiance and I are reading it together this holiday season! He is more of the intellect type (Science, Math, Chemistry) and I am more of the Soul Searching, People Reading, Psychology Major Type.... What I love is he is being so OPEN to it!!!! 🙂 He is definitely not a believer in the crystals however he has agreed to get a healing touch session from Anna Koclanes (A Healing Touch Specialist in Fort Collins, CO). Anyways... my point is... this book is amazing... while I relate to every relationship I have read so far my Finance may not.... however he is becoming more open than ever before! I highly recommend it to all people... 🙂

jenny l shell School Counselor March 24, 2016

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Prepare Yourself

Prepare Yourself! This girl is HONEST. After reading some memoirs that turned out to be fiction, you can really tell this is all incredibly true. When you see Explicit on the cover, I hope you are ready for anything and everything.

Lashalicious March 24, 2016

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Wow. Look what happens when you say YES!

5.0 out of 5 starsWow. Look what happens when you say YES!

Ready for a ride? Put on your seat belts please!

There are many things coming to mind about this book at once. Tracee really, in my opinion, takes a big risk putting her whole story out there for the world to see in explicit detail. A book like this, with so much in-your-face truth in it, can go either way. It can make people love you or it can make people hate you. Tracee bares her Soul (and a lot more) in this book to tell her tale of healing and growth and does not shy away from the details (the ugly or the beautiful). This book is part of her healing journey, but more than that, it's passing on healing and hope to those who read it and truly take it in to contemplate. This book for me was many things.

It was SCARY - Tracee experienced so many things in her lifetime that I will never experience, nor would I want to. Some of the things I can't even comprehend experiencing. She not only made it through her rough and jagged experiences alive, but she MADE herself into who she wanted to be through trust, through love, through sheer will. She exhibits strength, determination and faith that many, many people just don't have.

It was THRILLING - Tracee did things - daring things, wild things - that I would never do, but I was intrigued to read about and experience them through her senses and her words. And she did things that I would love to do but have not yet done, so I truly enjoyed living the experiences of those things through her and imagining myself experiencing them in my way. Some of her experiences I have also experienced, but I've obviously only experienced them as myself. Experiencing them again through Tracee's point-of-view made me reflect on and appreciate them in a new way. I feel like, in a way, she's paved the way for someone like me who is more cautious and takes smaller skips instead of giant leaps into the unknown and has sent back a message that it's safe to cross the turbulent river of life.

It was TRIUMPHANT - Tracee overcame what seemed like insurmountable odds in her life and from her past because, in my opinion, she has (and always had) a strong inner being, a spark of inextinguishable light that was going to shine no matter what. I love that she said YES! to her Soul and trusted it to help her light grow from a tiny spark to a giant radiating beam.

I know Tracee personally. In fact, I'm a light-bringer and a way-shower myself working to shine my light and share my gifts with the world. We first crossed paths in 2013 at the business coaching seminar she talks about in the book. Back then she seemed to me like a seedling just starting her journey (just like I was), and I watched her grow into a beautiful, blossoming, radiant flower so quickly. Her new Soul suit fits her so well now. And from watching her through this time and seeing the amazing things that she's manifested and created, she's totally pulled me into the vortex of her energy and I have just enrolled in her Maxcelerators Mastermind this year. My Soul has said YES! and I am listening!

I feel honored that Tracee has bared her Soul and shared her story of shedding the old, of healing the wounds, of stepping up, of taking the risks, of doing the work, of figuring out how it works. I feel honored that she has trusted me (and all of us) with so much private and delicate knowledge about her through her memoir knowing the risk that we may not be able to take her truth. Mostly, I'm thrilled that she is so graciously and generously shining her brilliant light and sharing her energy to help show others the way. She is truly a way-shower for the way-showers.

I heart you Tracee!! Congratulations on your transformation!

March 24, 2016

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WOW! I was blushing at some points because of her candid writing but she tells it like it is and there is no editing of her words to make the reader feel more comfortable with what she shares. I think her honesty in this book is nothing short of amazing and you would find a handful of people who would ever be so bold. BUT THAT IS THE POWER IN THIS BOOK - her words, her honesty, her vulnerability - it releases your thinking and takes it to a new level. Thanks Tracee - You are one brave gal and I love the way you write!

Jennifer Sparks Author, Happy for No Reason March 24, 2016

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Christina Verg

Tracee has helped me realize that nothing is impossible. Since becoming a part of her law of attraction mastermind I have gone from being a struggling single mother that is on public assistance to being more successful than ever. My romantic relationship sets the bar super high for what I deserve and makes me a better version of myself. I am in my dream job, working for a spa that encourages me to grow. That has happened in under 3 MONTHS! I had gotten a divorce and was a single mom, my life was chaotic and stressful. Tracee's encouraging me to pay attention to what I really want deep down in my Soul has helped me make many dreams a reality!

Tracee Sioux is a phenomenal life coach! Yes, I said it and I MEAN it!!

Northern Colorado Aesthetics Maxcelerators November 22, 2013

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This book resonated with me for my highest good. Way to go Tracee. Loved the book there are things I want to try.

Kathy Steveson March 24, 2016

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Lynn Leech, PT

What an amazing journey Tracee takes us on. Inspiring, courageous and raw! We all can learn from this book and Tracee's journey of self discovery and really listening but more importantly following through with what her soul was guiding her to do. Thank you Tracee for being so vulnerable so we all can learn that trusting that inner guidance truly can set us free.

Lynn Leech, PT March 24, 2016

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Five Stars

I really enjoyed the book and read it in 3 days.

Duckskeletonsoup Amazon Reviewer March 24, 2016

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A wonderful read for any woman whose soul demands authenticity.

A wonderful read for any woman whose soul demands authenticity. Amazing writer. I've followed her for a while now. My journey is much the same. I too have been following my spirit for a while. Thank yo

MaggieJW March 24, 2016

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Be prepared to be sucked in!

Be prepared to be sucked in!

I hate this book... yep, 5 star review (yes, that means I love it!) that starts with the words "I hate this book."
Because this morning when I really want to be about my own Soul's business, all I really WANT to do is find out more about how Tracee achieved HER Soul's desire. Mostly memoir with a heaping dose of practical and metaphysical trail blazing, I'm learning a lot about how to think about money, life's work, fulfilling desire and even marriage.
I can't wait for my evening reading time to learn more!

Jeanne Andrus March 24, 2016

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…most REVEALING book I have ever read!

Tracee daringly EXPOSES herself, as she bares her soul and her heart's desires in the most revealing book I have ever read! As soon as I started reading Tracee's words (less than a week ago), I was enamored with her brazen gall to make her life more than work as she proclaimed a resounding YES!!!! to her inner wise self. The Year of YES! is a MUST read!!! Move over Elizabeth Gilbert... Tracee Sioux is now on the playing field and she is on FIRE!

Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko March 24, 2016

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Rich Keller

Tracee has been my business and life coach for the last eight months, and she has totally turned my life around both on the money end and the life end. By the by, her prices are very reasonable and you'll definitely see a change in your life.

Rich Keller Wooden Pants Media April 20, 2016

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Buckle up, you are in for a wild ride!

Reading The Year of Yes! by Tracee Sioux is a wild adventure in memoir. Her confidence in trusting her soul to lead her caused me to begin to question whose voice I have been listening to in my own life, the voice of my soul, or the voice of my inner critic? Taking the Year of Yes! ride with Tracee Sioux was an immersive experience into her quest for healing, which lead me to ask what kinds of healing my soul is seeking. Tracee leaves nothing out, creating a bond of emotional intimacy with her readers, an intimacy that at times may make you blush. Tracee Sioux does warn you, some of her narratives of healing are explicit. With Tracee laying her inner world bare, I began to see that I too have a map and compass pointing the way towards growth, healing and adventures of my own.

Alexis Saint M.Ed., LPC March 24, 2016

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Amazon Reviewer

Inspiring- but go into it understanding you are reading a very personal journal.

I give the book 4 stars- averaged as 3 stars as a "book"- and 5 stars just for her- for her bravery and commitment and perseverance-- and I think that should be celebrated and rewarded with stars. It also did motivate me to pay attention to similar issues in my own life.


Please NOTE: If you have a modesty trigger, If you have a work hard trigger, If you have a self effacing trigger, This book may be hard for you to read, and you may not like her- but read it anyway. So you can see an example (one example- not yours) of how to stop listening to the negative criticism in your head and to live with love and joy and be true to yourself.

If the purpose of the book in sharing it with other readers (because it IS a journal) is to inspire one's own life, it can do that. Your soul speak may sound completely different from her's, and that's okay. The point is, to listen to your own soul's voice. And to have the courage to follow it. This is definitely an important gift her journal gives- to so many people- women- who might be afraid to do the thing they know deep down they need to do, but are so afraid- that they can do it.

Some reviewers compared her to Elizabeth Gilbert and Brene Brown (or rather, she calls herself a better writer than both of them in this book- yikes!), and granted, I have not read her previous work or blog, but please don't go into this expecting that. This is a published journal. A journal by it's very nature, is an egocentric processing center. A brave one too. Again, I commend her for it, and you can take her lack of modesty, research, or other story development in stride when you understand this for what it is. I also don't want to say that with the intention of tearing her down- I think having that confidence and belief in herself is exactly what she needed, and what is helping her today. Perhaps we all need a dose of it!

I love the big spiritual component to the book- I highlighted a bunch of beautiful things to remember- including- her "Christmas wish for the world is that everyone have at least one friendship where "that's impossible" is not allowed". There is great stuff. Great manifesting. I would love to be this woman's friend.

I have to say this though. I am psychotherapist. (And taking a page from her own confidence book- I'm very good at my job.) To Tracee: I know you got scared away from counseling and psychotherapy from early experiences, but I couldn't help but see some very big plain things in your way- right in front of you- that you couldn't seem to see. Some very big patterns that weaved throughout the book that also got in your way the most. I wanted to scream them out to you, (and yes, I did talk back to you quite a bit while reading :)) For example, you'd have a particular response to something someone told you- and how you viewed and perceived the information you received- your methodology of perception per say- was actually what was hurting you. Kind of like your own mind was getting in your own way. Perhaps you've already done this work by now, but we all have filters on our eyes in how we perceive the world around us. I don't want to ruin the book for other readers of this review- so I'm just going to say- if you don't want to go find a really good therapist to help you do the stuff that the energy and spiritual people can't, at least go read up on Imago Therapy. Or just contact me privately and I can explain more. I did check out your website when I finished the book and noticed one of your friends is an LPC. If she's good- listen to her! (When I say - "is she good" I mean- there are a lot of healers, counselors, etc, out there- that do a lot of work on other people based on their own projections and countertransference. You want to talk to someone that is clear on their own sh*t and knows how to recognize it, etc.)

Back to potential readers- Tracee offers a gift of herself in baring her vulnerable writings here. At some points I felt aversion, or I wanted her to be more modest, or aware of her actions' affect on others, or she did something I didn't think was nice to someone else, and then I would remember- she is being HONEST. We all are human. We all have a stream of thought, that when we put pen to paper all sorts of stuff can come out. Even if I got mad at her for not considering others (both that were and were not there) on the plane incident, it's not really my place to judge is it? If I wrote about my personal doings and feelings for a year and so did you- I'm sure there would be much to be judged and disagreed with. When you read the book, she will go into moments where she writes with extreme self praise, and self confidence. I'm sure this is part of what is deterring people in reviews because as women we pull towards modesty even though we long for the power in that confidence. But to say it out loud yourself! And then publish it! For that I say she's brave and awesome. Again, I don't have to agree with everything of how she feels and thinks because her soul is hers, and mine is mine. And if you were my client, that is exactly how I would encourage you to write your journal as well. All of it. Especially when you can move into the place where you can find your power. Your self.

Whether or not you think she should give up her manicures and other things in lieu of financial stress, is not the point. YOUR rules, aren't hers. And her point is, the same goes for you. And for me. Find your soul. Listen to it. Follow the instructions.

Also remember- journals are about processing. That is what you are reading. The processing. Similar to the "Writer's Way" - and morning pages- sometimes you need to write to release stuff- and what you write isn't forever true but it helps get out and process stuff, so you can then manifest the actual truth.

If you are feeling stuck in your life and need some inspiration, read the book! Thanks Tracee, perhaps our paths will cross someday. I appreciate your brave soul for sharing your story. Please keep us updated!! Remember- Elizabeth Gilbert told us what happened when she wrote Committed 😉

E. Read Amazon Reviewer March 24, 2016

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Wonderfully transparent story

Wonderfully transparent story

Amazon Reviewer March 24, 2016

Winston Hampton

"I first met Tracee when I read her book"The Year Of Yes." I was so impressed I had to meet her in person!! Tracee has been a GodSend! As I became ready to publish my book of Poetry "Rumi Would Have Laughed", Tracee stepped up and made it happen. She inspires me!!! As my publisher she made it happen! And so effortlessly!! As my publicist and promoter, she helped whip my ship into shape and now it's clear sailing! OMG, and what a talented writer!! I am so grateful for Tracee!!! Wouldn't have happened so easily, gracefully and playfully without Tracee!!! Thank you!!"

Win Hampton author, Rumi Would Have Laughed January 26, 2016

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Anna Koclanes

My home life, my work life and my wellness center are all coming together and I am so grateful. Thank you so much Tracee Sioux, you have taught me so much.

Touchstone Wellness Center Year of YES! Client November 11, 2013

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Reaches into your own soul

Reaches into your own soul. I have to admit I was initially very reluctant to read this book. It felt somehow invasive to look that deeply into the life of someone you know and admire. After putting aside the emails for a bit, I decided that if Tracee was brave enough to write about her life and share it with the world, the least I could do was be brave enough to read it. I wasn't very far into the book before I realized that my fear was not about peering into the life of this courageous woman, but opening my own soul and peering into my own life. The beginning of this book resonates so deeply with my own life that Tracee could have been writing about me. After reading this book, I decided it is time to start my own journey and to listen more closely to my soul and what it is trying to teach me.

I highly recommend this book to every person who is struggling to find their place in this big, wonderful world. Tracee holds nothing back as she shares her journey...and I warn that it may at times be shocking to witness her frankness. However, it is that frankness and honesty that make this book resonate to your own soul for a long time after you finish.

Tracy M. Smith March 24, 2016

Alexis Saint

I just landed a six figure private practice partnership in a community that I moved to only 5 days ago! Tracee Sioux coached me to ask for what I want and to listen to my soul's deepest longings. For me it was mindset and perception shifts that enabled me to stop playing small. Before Tracee coached me in attracting what I truly wanted, I was planning to go back to school (and accruing more student debt) or work for yet another social services agency for low pay. Now my career is both fulfilling and financially rewarding! Thank you Tracee! Your fierce magic is the best mojo ever! 

Psychotherapist Maxcelerators July 7, 2014

Audrey Christie McLaughlin

While working with Tracee I got more clients, business rolls in effortlessly, and my Soul has more time for kids and hobbies.

Intuitive Marketing Genius Year of YES! Client October 20, 2014

Passion vs. Purpose

I love this book! It has given me clarity on how Soul and Purpose vs. Ego and Passion run the mind and body. I had thought that when I followed my Passion/Ego I was on the right path of my Earth plan, but to burn out and have to work too hard to maintain a part of me to do the job that I thought I was supposed to be doing, triggering the Ego/Passion addictions to sugar and caffeine to keep going looking for that next boost of passion.

To follow my Soul is to follow my Purpose.  This is a slow and steady burn of desire to be on my Earth path of doing what I was put here to do.  I experience the sense of a calming flow of the burn that gets me through the project with an inner Love of the project being accomplished and wanting to do more.

Before working with you and reading this book, I had not realized that there was an option.

Patricia Forbes Alchemy Universal Therapies Soul vs. Ego Review May 16, 2016

Cassie Vojta

I have begun taking steps forward that I would have never taken without Tracee. I started a business and I am moving into the adventurous life I've always dreamed of.

Freed Nutrition & Wellness Consultants, LLC. Maxcelerators October 9, 2014

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A wonderful read for any woman whose soul demands authenticity.

A wonderful read for any woman whose soul demands authenticity. Amazing writer. I've followed her for a while now. My journey is much the same. I too have been following my spirit for a while. Thank yo

MaggieJW March 24, 2016

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A gem that burns with clarity and fire

Part memoir, part joyous manifesto, The Year of YES! is a book full of passion, desire, daring, and an utter refusal to take any s*** from anyone or anything ever again, to heed and honor that soulful voice within. It inspires and excites in equal measure. It may be the shaking up your soul needs, a clarion call trumpeted at just the right time for you. Written from the heart, its words will travel straight to yours. Sample it and see what I mean. Then welcome it into your life!

R.D. Amazon Reviewer March 24, 2016

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Rich Keller

Tracee has been my business and life coach for the last eight months, and she has totally turned my life around both on the money end and the life end. By the by, her prices are very reasonable and you'll definitely see a change in your life.

Rich Keller Wooden Pants Media April 20, 2016

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Tracee has spoken the words that have been bouncing in …

Tracee has spoken the words that have been bouncing in my head... and placed them on paper and shared them with everyone...
"Turn the LIGHT ON!" she shouts to us all... ! It only takes one to begin the process. Reading the Tracee's story and how she found allowances... and truths is both soul searing and encouraging!
If you do nothing else for yourself, read this book and listen to the echos in your own heart - then do something about it!!!!
11 stars for "The Year of YES!"

Patsy-Patricia March 24, 2016

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Wow. Look what happens when you say YES!

5.0 out of 5 starsWow. Look what happens when you say YES!

Ready for a ride? Put on your seat belts please!

There are many things coming to mind about this book at once. Tracee really, in my opinion, takes a big risk putting her whole story out there for the world to see in explicit detail. A book like this, with so much in-your-face truth in it, can go either way. It can make people love you or it can make people hate you. Tracee bares her Soul (and a lot more) in this book to tell her tale of healing and growth and does not shy away from the details (the ugly or the beautiful). This book is part of her healing journey, but more than that, it's passing on healing and hope to those who read it and truly take it in to contemplate. This book for me was many things.

It was SCARY - Tracee experienced so many things in her lifetime that I will never experience, nor would I want to. Some of the things I can't even comprehend experiencing. She not only made it through her rough and jagged experiences alive, but she MADE herself into who she wanted to be through trust, through love, through sheer will. She exhibits strength, determination and faith that many, many people just don't have.

It was THRILLING - Tracee did things - daring things, wild things - that I would never do, but I was intrigued to read about and experience them through her senses and her words. And she did things that I would love to do but have not yet done, so I truly enjoyed living the experiences of those things through her and imagining myself experiencing them in my way. Some of her experiences I have also experienced, but I've obviously only experienced them as myself. Experiencing them again through Tracee's point-of-view made me reflect on and appreciate them in a new way. I feel like, in a way, she's paved the way for someone like me who is more cautious and takes smaller skips instead of giant leaps into the unknown and has sent back a message that it's safe to cross the turbulent river of life.

It was TRIUMPHANT - Tracee overcame what seemed like insurmountable odds in her life and from her past because, in my opinion, she has (and always had) a strong inner being, a spark of inextinguishable light that was going to shine no matter what. I love that she said YES! to her Soul and trusted it to help her light grow from a tiny spark to a giant radiating beam.

I know Tracee personally. In fact, I'm a light-bringer and a way-shower myself working to shine my light and share my gifts with the world. We first crossed paths in 2013 at the business coaching seminar she talks about in the book. Back then she seemed to me like a seedling just starting her journey (just like I was), and I watched her grow into a beautiful, blossoming, radiant flower so quickly. Her new Soul suit fits her so well now. And from watching her through this time and seeing the amazing things that she's manifested and created, she's totally pulled me into the vortex of her energy and I have just enrolled in her Maxcelerators Mastermind this year. My Soul has said YES! and I am listening!

I feel honored that Tracee has bared her Soul and shared her story of shedding the old, of healing the wounds, of stepping up, of taking the risks, of doing the work, of figuring out how it works. I feel honored that she has trusted me (and all of us) with so much private and delicate knowledge about her through her memoir knowing the risk that we may not be able to take her truth. Mostly, I'm thrilled that she is so graciously and generously shining her brilliant light and sharing her energy to help show others the way. She is truly a way-shower for the way-showers.

I heart you Tracee!! Congratulations on your transformation!

March 24, 2016

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Prepare Yourself

Prepare Yourself! This girl is HONEST. After reading some memoirs that turned out to be fiction, you can really tell this is all incredibly true. When you see Explicit on the cover, I hope you are ready for anything and everything.

Lashalicious March 24, 2016

Cassie Vojta

I have begun taking steps forward that I would have never taken without Tracee. I started a business and I am moving into the adventurous life I've always dreamed of.

Freed Nutrition & Wellness Consultants, LLC. Maxcelerators October 9, 2014

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Bina Mehta

I am very grateful to have met Tracee at a pivotal point in my career as an Energy Healer. We worked together from summer 2012 and ended our business engagement at the end of 2014. Prior to working with Tracee I had almost no online presence. Tracee educated me about the importance of a website, social media postings and other marketing knowledge. Tracee and her team were absolutely instrumental in setting up my first professional site. With Tracee's motivational coaching, I’ve gone from having a nearly non-existent practice to feeling empowered and confident in my ability to grow & expand my healing business.

Feminine Divine Year of YES! Client November 11, 2013

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Amazon Reviewer

Inspiring- but go into it understanding you are reading a very personal journal.

I give the book 4 stars- averaged as 3 stars as a "book"- and 5 stars just for her- for her bravery and commitment and perseverance-- and I think that should be celebrated and rewarded with stars. It also did motivate me to pay attention to similar issues in my own life.


Please NOTE: If you have a modesty trigger, If you have a work hard trigger, If you have a self effacing trigger, This book may be hard for you to read, and you may not like her- but read it anyway. So you can see an example (one example- not yours) of how to stop listening to the negative criticism in your head and to live with love and joy and be true to yourself.

If the purpose of the book in sharing it with other readers (because it IS a journal) is to inspire one's own life, it can do that. Your soul speak may sound completely different from her's, and that's okay. The point is, to listen to your own soul's voice. And to have the courage to follow it. This is definitely an important gift her journal gives- to so many people- women- who might be afraid to do the thing they know deep down they need to do, but are so afraid- that they can do it.

Some reviewers compared her to Elizabeth Gilbert and Brene Brown (or rather, she calls herself a better writer than both of them in this book- yikes!), and granted, I have not read her previous work or blog, but please don't go into this expecting that. This is a published journal. A journal by it's very nature, is an egocentric processing center. A brave one too. Again, I commend her for it, and you can take her lack of modesty, research, or other story development in stride when you understand this for what it is. I also don't want to say that with the intention of tearing her down- I think having that confidence and belief in herself is exactly what she needed, and what is helping her today. Perhaps we all need a dose of it!

I love the big spiritual component to the book- I highlighted a bunch of beautiful things to remember- including- her "Christmas wish for the world is that everyone have at least one friendship where "that's impossible" is not allowed". There is great stuff. Great manifesting. I would love to be this woman's friend.

I have to say this though. I am psychotherapist. (And taking a page from her own confidence book- I'm very good at my job.) To Tracee: I know you got scared away from counseling and psychotherapy from early experiences, but I couldn't help but see some very big plain things in your way- right in front of you- that you couldn't seem to see. Some very big patterns that weaved throughout the book that also got in your way the most. I wanted to scream them out to you, (and yes, I did talk back to you quite a bit while reading :)) For example, you'd have a particular response to something someone told you- and how you viewed and perceived the information you received- your methodology of perception per say- was actually what was hurting you. Kind of like your own mind was getting in your own way. Perhaps you've already done this work by now, but we all have filters on our eyes in how we perceive the world around us. I don't want to ruin the book for other readers of this review- so I'm just going to say- if you don't want to go find a really good therapist to help you do the stuff that the energy and spiritual people can't, at least go read up on Imago Therapy. Or just contact me privately and I can explain more. I did check out your website when I finished the book and noticed one of your friends is an LPC. If she's good- listen to her! (When I say - "is she good" I mean- there are a lot of healers, counselors, etc, out there- that do a lot of work on other people based on their own projections and countertransference. You want to talk to someone that is clear on their own sh*t and knows how to recognize it, etc.)

Back to potential readers- Tracee offers a gift of herself in baring her vulnerable writings here. At some points I felt aversion, or I wanted her to be more modest, or aware of her actions' affect on others, or she did something I didn't think was nice to someone else, and then I would remember- she is being HONEST. We all are human. We all have a stream of thought, that when we put pen to paper all sorts of stuff can come out. Even if I got mad at her for not considering others (both that were and were not there) on the plane incident, it's not really my place to judge is it? If I wrote about my personal doings and feelings for a year and so did you- I'm sure there would be much to be judged and disagreed with. When you read the book, she will go into moments where she writes with extreme self praise, and self confidence. I'm sure this is part of what is deterring people in reviews because as women we pull towards modesty even though we long for the power in that confidence. But to say it out loud yourself! And then publish it! For that I say she's brave and awesome. Again, I don't have to agree with everything of how she feels and thinks because her soul is hers, and mine is mine. And if you were my client, that is exactly how I would encourage you to write your journal as well. All of it. Especially when you can move into the place where you can find your power. Your self.

Whether or not you think she should give up her manicures and other things in lieu of financial stress, is not the point. YOUR rules, aren't hers. And her point is, the same goes for you. And for me. Find your soul. Listen to it. Follow the instructions.

Also remember- journals are about processing. That is what you are reading. The processing. Similar to the "Writer's Way" - and morning pages- sometimes you need to write to release stuff- and what you write isn't forever true but it helps get out and process stuff, so you can then manifest the actual truth.

If you are feeling stuck in your life and need some inspiration, read the book! Thanks Tracee, perhaps our paths will cross someday. I appreciate your brave soul for sharing your story. Please keep us updated!! Remember- Elizabeth Gilbert told us what happened when she wrote Committed 😉

E. Read Amazon Reviewer March 24, 2016

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Five Stars

I really enjoyed the book and read it in 3 days.

Duckskeletonsoup Amazon Reviewer March 24, 2016

Passion vs. Purpose

I love this book! It has given me clarity on how Soul and Purpose vs. Ego and Passion run the mind and body. I had thought that when I followed my Passion/Ego I was on the right path of my Earth plan, but to burn out and have to work too hard to maintain a part of me to do the job that I thought I was supposed to be doing, triggering the Ego/Passion addictions to sugar and caffeine to keep going looking for that next boost of passion.

To follow my Soul is to follow my Purpose.  This is a slow and steady burn of desire to be on my Earth path of doing what I was put here to do.  I experience the sense of a calming flow of the burn that gets me through the project with an inner Love of the project being accomplished and wanting to do more.

Before working with you and reading this book, I had not realized that there was an option.

Patricia Forbes Alchemy Universal Therapies Soul vs. Ego Review May 16, 2016

Janna Phillips

Tracee Sioux is a wonderful publisher. She edited and published my book OUT OF THE BLUE A PSYCHIC'S MEMOIR. Tracee Sioux is professional and does outstanding work with her clients. She took the time to help me understand the best way to proceed. I have great respect for her abilities!

author, Out of the Blue: A Psychic's Memoir January 26, 2016


Your Soul

You have a purpose! There's something here, in this life, for YOU! Read this book and find out what it is!

January 26, 2016

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Five Stars

A phenomenal book. Inspires me to Say YES! to my own Soul's Purpose. It is raw, real and inspirational.

Anna Koclanes Amazon Reviewer March 24, 2016

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I say yes!

I say yes! The Year of Yes by Tracee Sioux, what a great read, I had a hard time putting it down. I saw myself in a few of the scenarios, so many pieces hit home. I appreciate her openness and candidness in sharing her life experiences with us. It really made me think about what I want in my life.

Amazon Reviewer March 24, 2016

Christine Garvin

Tracee helped me to get really clear about what I needed to shift in my business in order to bring more money in, work with my natural rhythms instead of against them, work with time in a much more efficient way, and to keep tuning back into what my soul is asking me to do.

After I started working with Tracee, I took the leap to move into my own place after sharing a house with a roommate for a couple of years. This has opened up my creativity and a sense of ease that I have not had since I started my business. I also produced a large-scale dance and variety show, which greatly increased my standing in a town that has a LOT of artists competing for attention. She helped me set goals and boundaries during this understandably stressful time, all the while helping me to begin envisioning life after the show, and moving my business to a national model that is more lucrative. She also worked with me around the need to authentically present myself to groups of women in order to grow my business, which I definitely needed a push on! I am super grateful for all the big and small things I learned while working with Tracee that are now an integral part of my business.

Christine Garvin Dance Year of YES! Client January 19, 2016

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…most REVEALING book I have ever read!

Tracee daringly EXPOSES herself, as she bares her soul and her heart's desires in the most revealing book I have ever read! As soon as I started reading Tracee's words (less than a week ago), I was enamored with her brazen gall to make her life more than work as she proclaimed a resounding YES!!!! to her inner wise self. The Year of YES! is a MUST read!!! Move over Elizabeth Gilbert... Tracee Sioux is now on the playing field and she is on FIRE!

Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko March 24, 2016

Robert Devereaux

Fair warning: You've picked up a book that takes no prisoners, freeing
instead those long held captive. Circumstances can sometimes lead one to
settle, to sidetrack, to dim one's dreams. Well, Tracee Sioux refuses to
settle, striking out instead to seize her dream and to find and fulfill a
grand purpose. Her words burn with pasion and desire. In their raging
hunger for love and money long overdue, they burst Blake's mind-forged
manacles, again and again. This is Whitman's barbaric yawp writ large and
new, spirited and spiritual, sexy and frank, burning off the dross and
finding love in all directions, reaching further, ever further. A year of
giving the Soul its head no matter what is an audacious premise, full of
suspense and wonder as the dregs of a highly challenging past are reforged
into a future that is the birthright of those bold enough to seize it. As
we travel through the year, the great question emerges: Will this
experiment succeed or fail, and in what ways? Just know that surprises lie
ahead and that you're in for one hell of a ride. This is a life-changing
memoir, both for its author and for her readers, laying bare all the crap,
exposing it to the light of day. It's an act of bravery, of risk, opening
all aspects of her life to the healing power of sunlight, moonlight,
starlight. Stepping bolding into public view with a manifesto that is part
confession, part lamentation, part declaration of independence--all of it
a grand rush of desire, demand, and inspired rallying cry.

author, Baby's First Book of Seriously Fucked-Up Shit January 21, 2016

Anne-Marie Sherrer

Because of Tracee, I have taken the first steps out of my comfort zone. I am taking bold strides towards fulfillment of my vision.

November 11, 2013

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This book resonated with me for my highest good. Way to go Tracee. Loved the book there are things I want to try.

Kathy Steveson March 24, 2016

I knew better than to buy this book.

It's my own fault; I got sucked in because I am in a similar place in my life. I give her credit for sharing very personal challenges, but she basically just published her own journal. This is a disjointed, rambling stream of consciousness. She didn't even put enough effort into it to complete thoughts or draw conclusions. She says she's going to do something and there is no follow up on how it went; we don't even know if she actually did it. I hope she puts more effort into her "life coaching business" than she did to this "book".

D. M. Davis Amazon Reviewer March 24, 2016

CJ McDaniel

Tracee has given me more effective tools and ideas and has helped me stay motivated until results have flowed in. I am more positive and attracting what I desire almost all of the time as opposed to part of the time. I feel more supported, as well.

Tracee is extremely knowledgeable, motivated, creative, and energetic and results oriented. She not only talks the talk, but she walks the walk-- a rare thing in the business world. Chances are that whatever you barriers to success are (whether marketing, limiting belief systems, fear, lack of know-how and so on) she has been through it and has a solution for you that is customized to meet your needs!

Lymphworks Maxcelerators February 7, 2014

Misti Townsend head shot

Misti Townsend

Tracee is an absolute powerhouse.  She's engaging, dynamic, and knows her stuff like you wouldn't believe.  This force to be reckoned with is rising fast, and I cannot wait to see how her empire & influence grows. 

Soul Spark Revolution Reader December 5, 2013

Awilda Keller

I wanted to let you know that my husband Rich is changing. He is talking more spiritual and calm. Thank you for all you do. What you do is amazing.

Wife of Year of YES! Client January 26, 2016

Andy Dooley

This book is EPIC! It will rock your soul. The “Year of Yes” is a raw and honest memoir! Tracee is fearless in sharing her journey. Her desire to be happy and live a year of YES will inspire you to do the same!

Creator of Vibration Activation™ January 21, 2016

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YESSSS!!! If we could all open up and courageously navigate through the uncharted territories of our pain, love, emotions & inner knowing, this World might be a healthier, happier, safer place. Tracee has so gracefully achieved this, not just for herself, but for us all. If we want to change the World we have to change ourselves. Thank you Tracee for opening up and helping guide us along such an incredible road of courage and magic!!!!

Katie Gray Singer, Sea Stars March 24, 2016

Winston Hampton

"I first met Tracee when I read her book"The Year Of Yes." I was so impressed I had to meet her in person!! Tracee has been a GodSend! As I became ready to publish my book of Poetry "Rumi Would Have Laughed", Tracee stepped up and made it happen. She inspires me!!! As my publisher she made it happen! And so effortlessly!! As my publicist and promoter, she helped whip my ship into shape and now it's clear sailing! OMG, and what a talented writer!! I am so grateful for Tracee!!! Wouldn't have happened so easily, gracefully and playfully without Tracee!!! Thank you!!"

Win Hampton author, Rumi Would Have Laughed January 26, 2016

Your Ego

Do not read this book. You don't have $15 to buy it. You'll never have enough time to read it. You don't have a Soul Purpose and even if you did you're not good enough to live it. Go binge watch Netflix.

January 26, 2016

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Buckle up, you are in for a wild ride!

Reading The Year of Yes! by Tracee Sioux is a wild adventure in memoir. Her confidence in trusting her soul to lead her caused me to begin to question whose voice I have been listening to in my own life, the voice of my soul, or the voice of my inner critic? Taking the Year of Yes! ride with Tracee Sioux was an immersive experience into her quest for healing, which lead me to ask what kinds of healing my soul is seeking. Tracee leaves nothing out, creating a bond of emotional intimacy with her readers, an intimacy that at times may make you blush. Tracee Sioux does warn you, some of her narratives of healing are explicit. With Tracee laying her inner world bare, I began to see that I too have a map and compass pointing the way towards growth, healing and adventures of my own.

Alexis Saint M.Ed., LPC March 24, 2016

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Always say “Yes” – the good stuff starts to come your way

5.0 out of 5 starsAlways say "Yes" - the good stuff starts to come your way Truly amazing piece of work. Tracee hits it on the nail with this memoir. We must trust our souls, listen to what it wants us to show up and begin in our lives. I relate to pieces of Tracee's story and sometimes it is simply deciding to show up. The soul does not stop talking to us - we stop hearing those whispers that will lead us out of the dark places that life can throw at us. This book is a reminder that a new direction in life can be taken at anytime. With a enough tenacity, grit and support, life will open up like a beautiful flower when the sun hits it. Say Yes whenever possible to you, your life, your voice 🙂

Darryl Stewart Manifesting Your Best Life March 24, 2016

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What I love is he is being so OPEN to it

What I love is he is being so OPEN to it Year of Yes! I bought this book and my fiance and I are reading it together this holiday season! He is more of the intellect type (Science, Math, Chemistry) and I am more of the Soul Searching, People Reading, Psychology Major Type.... What I love is he is being so OPEN to it!!!! 🙂 He is definitely not a believer in the crystals however he has agreed to get a healing touch session from Anna Koclanes (A Healing Touch Specialist in Fort Collins, CO). Anyways... my point is... this book is amazing... while I relate to every relationship I have read so far my Finance may not.... however he is becoming more open than ever before! I highly recommend it to all people... 🙂

jenny l shell School Counselor March 24, 2016

Jeanne Schlesinger

Jeanne Schlesinger

Tracee has helped me come to look at myself through the eyes of my loving inner child. Thank you, Tracee, for guiding me to this indescribable joy.

Unique Lense Photography Reader November 11, 2013

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Listen Up!

Listen Up! I've been waiting to read Tracee's memoir. Not only is Tracee sharing her personal healing journey...there are so many areas that every person can relate to that require our own personal healing. It is funny, encouraging, touching and teaching. It has you begin to listen to the quiet, persistent and gentle voice of YOUR soul. The soul's voice is gentle, loving and encouraging. The ego's voice is condemning. Which do you listen to and most readily respond to. How do your decisions reflect in your life. Something to take notice of. Thank you Tracee for your vulnerability both within the book and on the cover!

Beth G Bolta Women's Empowerment Coach March 24, 2016

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Anna Koclanes

My home life, my work life and my wellness center are all coming together and I am so grateful. Thank you so much Tracee Sioux, you have taught me so much.

Touchstone Wellness Center Year of YES! Client November 11, 2013

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Wonderfully transparent story

Wonderfully transparent story

Amazon Reviewer March 24, 2016

Pat Forbes

I started working with Tracee about 3 years ago. She is amazing at helping me come out of my Hermitness. Actually she not only helped me but drug me kicking and screaming at some moments. If it were not for her I would not have been able to give a lecture and workshop at the Star Knowledge Conference 2014 & invited back for 2015. She comes up with ideas for me that I would never think of nor know how to execute. She has created my new website and projects for me for the entire year ready for me to carryout, with her help of course. Tracee is a real forward thinker and knows how to take a person into their next step of manifesting their goal.

Alchemy Universal Therapies Year of YES! Client January 19, 2016

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WOW! I was blushing at some points because of her candid writing but she tells it like it is and there is no editing of her words to make the reader feel more comfortable with what she shares. I think her honesty in this book is nothing short of amazing and you would find a handful of people who would ever be so bold. BUT THAT IS THE POWER IN THIS BOOK - her words, her honesty, her vulnerability - it releases your thinking and takes it to a new level. Thanks Tracee - You are one brave gal and I love the way you write!

Jennifer Sparks Author, Happy for No Reason March 24, 2016

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Refreshingly honest piece of writing. Buy this for yourself and your friends.

Refreshingly honest piece of writing. Buy this for yourself and your friends. Astonishing, vivid, wildly honest piece of work. Tracee's book would be a wonderful holiday gift for any woman on the planet. She writes with authenticity and courage. I will buy several of these to bless my friends.

Rev. Rose Marie Studer March 24, 2016

Pete Cassaboon

Tracee Sioux, the mastress of manifestation has been very instrumental in my year of progress. As the creator of Year of Yes she inspired me to start my own year of faith. As she says do everything your soul tells you to do, I have taken every step that I have felt divinely led to. It doesn't matter if I think I have the resources or the talent, if Spirit gives me the inspiration, I take the leap. I am so thankful for her and her energetic, catalyst personality that has helped me to experience the most formative year of my life. Only work with Tracee if you are truly ready for change to become who you have always truly wanted to be. I can't thank her enough, she is a true inspiration in her field.

True2YouRadio Station Manager, Angel Encourager Reader October 9, 2014

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Mary Michael Justice

I attended one of Tracee’s events, simply aware that I had something to heal. My life changed. My heart healed. I can not thank you enough.

Workshop Attendee November 11, 2013

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Lynn Leech, PT

What an amazing journey Tracee takes us on. Inspiring, courageous and raw! We all can learn from this book and Tracee's journey of self discovery and really listening but more importantly following through with what her soul was guiding her to do. Thank you Tracee for being so vulnerable so we all can learn that trusting that inner guidance truly can set us free.

Lynn Leech, PT March 24, 2016

Audrey Christie McLaughlin

While working with Tracee I got more clients, business rolls in effortlessly, and my Soul has more time for kids and hobbies.

Intuitive Marketing Genius Year of YES! Client October 20, 2014

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Here’s a woman saying it like it is

Wow! I couldn't put the book down. I had to know what happened next. I was going Yes! I recognize that! I know that! Here's a woman saying it like it is! Moments of bliss and orgasm! Moments of anguish! OMG, she's holding nothing back! As I turn the pages she is becoming a friend. So many of the experiences we all have and she has the guts to say it. I am in awe! Amazing book! Now my life is opening in ways I couldn't have guessed. Thank you Tracee Sioux!

Winston Hampton Healer March 24, 2016

Kimber Korsgaard

Firstly, I LOVE this fucking book.


Kimber Korsgaard Soul vs. Ego Smackdown reader Year of YES! Client January 19, 2016

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I have great respect for her! Janna Phillips

Tracee Sioux does outstanding work with her clients. She took the time to help me understand the best way to proceed. I have great respect for her! –Janna Phillips, author of Out of the Blue: A Psychic’s Memoir.

February 22, 2023

Alexis Saint

I just landed a six figure private practice partnership in a community that I moved to only 5 days ago! Tracee Sioux coached me to ask for what I want and to listen to my soul's deepest longings. For me it was mindset and perception shifts that enabled me to stop playing small. Before Tracee coached me in attracting what I truly wanted, I was planning to go back to school (and accruing more student debt) or work for yet another social services agency for low pay. Now my career is both fulfilling and financially rewarding! Thank you Tracee! Your fierce magic is the best mojo ever! 

Psychotherapist Maxcelerators July 7, 2014

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Be prepared to be sucked in!

Be prepared to be sucked in!

I hate this book... yep, 5 star review (yes, that means I love it!) that starts with the words "I hate this book."
Because this morning when I really want to be about my own Soul's business, all I really WANT to do is find out more about how Tracee achieved HER Soul's desire. Mostly memoir with a heaping dose of practical and metaphysical trail blazing, I'm learning a lot about how to think about money, life's work, fulfilling desire and even marriage.
I can't wait for my evening reading time to learn more!

Jeanne Andrus March 24, 2016

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Christina Verg

Tracee has helped me realize that nothing is impossible. Since becoming a part of her law of attraction mastermind I have gone from being a struggling single mother that is on public assistance to being more successful than ever. My romantic relationship sets the bar super high for what I deserve and makes me a better version of myself. I am in my dream job, working for a spa that encourages me to grow. That has happened in under 3 MONTHS! I had gotten a divorce and was a single mom, my life was chaotic and stressful. Tracee's encouraging me to pay attention to what I really want deep down in my Soul has helped me make many dreams a reality!

Tracee Sioux is a phenomenal life coach! Yes, I said it and I MEAN it!!

Northern Colorado Aesthetics Maxcelerators November 22, 2013


" Mom....your Life Coach is Really Amazing! I mean she's REALLY AMAZING!" I think so too Olivia Tracee Sioux ?

Olivia Client's Daughter April 19, 2016

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Reaches into your own soul

Reaches into your own soul. I have to admit I was initially very reluctant to read this book. It felt somehow invasive to look that deeply into the life of someone you know and admire. After putting aside the emails for a bit, I decided that if Tracee was brave enough to write about her life and share it with the world, the least I could do was be brave enough to read it. I wasn't very far into the book before I realized that my fear was not about peering into the life of this courageous woman, but opening my own soul and peering into my own life. The beginning of this book resonates so deeply with my own life that Tracee could have been writing about me. After reading this book, I decided it is time to start my own journey and to listen more closely to my soul and what it is trying to teach me.

I highly recommend this book to every person who is struggling to find their place in this big, wonderful world. Tracee holds nothing back as she shares her journey...and I warn that it may at times be shocking to witness her frankness. However, it is that frankness and honesty that make this book resonate to your own soul for a long time after you finish.

Tracy M. Smith March 24, 2016