Tag Archive for: Education

Our Public Schools Are Doing It Right!

I just went on a middle school tour and I nearly cried in gratitude…

Book Review: Bullied

BULLIED: What Every Parent, Teacher and Kid Needs to Know About…

Law of Attraction & Money: The Jig is Up Standardized Testers

  The whole state just finished their Standardized…

Law of Attraction & Money: Is College Becoming a Money-Sucking Debt Trap?

Time Magazine has an article about the money sucking, drastically…

Dear Parents, We Don’t Believe in Homework

So my daughter came home from the first day of 4th Grade with…

Business Coach: After School is School

Every day after school my daughter runs home to get her classroom…

New Moon’s 30 Great Books for Girls

New Moon Girls, the magazine written by girls for girls, has…

Reading Leader

Ainsley is finishing up the 2nd grade. She scored the most…

Kids LOVE Reading

Kids love reading. At least my kids do. Here's a handy little…

What's History?

This guy in my Sunday school class, Thomas Ratliff, is running…

Observations of a Kindergarten Sub

I substituted Kindergarten for 2 days. On both days I had…