Entries by Tracee

Worthiness and Other B.S.

Worthy. Unworthy. Worthy. Unworthy. Worthy. Unworthy. Rich. Poor. Abundance. Scarcity. Bounty. Lack. Faith. Despair. I grew up in a religion where I lived these lines everyday. I saw the world in black and white. Worthy. Unworthy. Pious. Hellion. Dutiful. Trouble-maker. Then when I started on my spiritual path and started learning about the Law of […]

Giving Yourself Permission To Demand MORE

Something you’ll discover as you start listening to your Soul more and start saying YES! is that your Soul can be pretty bossy. You go through all of this trouble. You coax and cajole it out of the cages you’ve been keeping it all cooped up in for the last several years. You start feeding […]

Opening In Vulnerability

Being vulnerable can suck. It can hurt. It can be scary. It can mean letting go of all of the junk that you’ve been holding onto for decades like an old, worn out, familiar fuzzy blanket. It means not hiding what you’re really feeling when you’re talking with someone, no matter how absolutely terrified you […]

From Struggling, To Striving, To Thriving

There were so many times in my life where I have struggled. I mean really, truly, intense struggles. For a good part of 2012 I was feeding my family from the food bank. We were in deep. To say that I was stressed would be an incredible understatement. I had struggled a lot. I was […]

Changing Your Community By Embracing Your Soul’s Purpose

I don’t think I ever could have imagined in 2012 as I was standing in my kitchen and hand-washing my dishes that my life would change so much when I started saying YES! I gave up the pretenses. I gave up the false limitations. I gave up the old identity based in deep soul-wounds, trauma, […]

Why A Soul’s Purpose Book Can Change Your Life

Some of us know that we have a message inside of us that absolutely must be carried out into the world. I knew for years that I was meant to be a writer. And not in the “gee, I think I’ll sit a coffee shop with my journal and a latte for a couple of […]

Listen To Your Soul and Live Abundance

Abundance, believe it or not, is a natural state of the Soul. You were born of god-stuff. You are the physical manifestation of an infinite being with incredible knowledge, power, potential, and gifts that have yet to be unveiled. Marianne Williamson was right when she said that we are scared of our power. We are […]

Loving Yourself Enough To Let Yourself Go

When you start living by your Soul your old life will die. You won’t think the same thoughts. You will probably dress and act differently. You will have different feelings about yourself, your life, all of your relationships, your future, and all of the world around you. You will literally start becoming a different person. […]

The Importance of Self Care

One of the things I really got hammered into me during my Year of YES! was the importance of good self care. When you are consciously seeking to expand your awareness, increase your abundance and joy, and move into your Genius Zone you need to take care of all aspects of your being. Your beautiful […]

Practicing Faith and Trust

When you first begin connecting back to your Soul, it takes a lot of Faith to know that you’re still heading in the right direction. It will start whispering to you. Quietly at first. It can be hard to decipher. It’s even harder if you’ve been listening to your Ego for most of your life. […]

Staying Pointed In The Right Direction

The day I committed to saying YES! to myself, to my Soul, the light opened up at the end of the tunnel. The more I said YES! the brighter, bigger, and more beautiful my world got. Our Souls are infinite. They aren’t meant to live in tiny boxes and chained up with limitations. For me, […]

Dream Board to Vision Board

Dream boards have been around for a good while. And for good reason. They help us to stay focused on the things that we want and that we’re working for. But is your board a dream board or a vision board? Are you working on building empty dreams, or are you working on manifesting a […]