Entries by Tracee

Get Your Mojo Back with Andreea Matei of LaunchGrowJoy.com

Please subscribe and review this podcast! Every click matters! Andreea Matei of LaunchGrowJoy.com lost her mojo. For the first time ever she talks about her sudden collapse at the top of her game and the harsh time she’s had for the last three years. Gratefully, she and I are getting back in the game and […]

Get Your Mojo Back! Guest: Darryl Stewart

What the Funk? Darryl Stewart and I haven’t been able to find our mojo—you haven’t either (enough of you have told us this so we’re convinced it’s damn near universal). So we put together a course giving you ALL the tools we’ve created over the last many years which is Guaranteed to help you Get […]

What is the Point of Being Human?

What is the Point of This? Being on Earth? Working to pay bills? Watching the insanity of elections and bigotry? Speaking up only to be attacked. Tracee Sioux comes out of her 2 year malaise. She literally stops biting her tongue and speaks. Dive deeper and take this course which is guaranteed to change everything! […]

Your BEST Marketing Tool: Your Book

What if I told you that you don’t have to sell thousands of books to make money with a book? You’ve got a great brilliant book idea, but this little voice inside you says, “it’s hard to be a writer and I’m going to have to become a starving artist… only the pros make money […]

The Art of Receiving: Your Creative Ally

I used to think that doing it all myself would make me stronger. Um… wrong. It just burned me out—quick. Asking for help can be hard. But you’ve got to do it. Otherwise you wind up juggling way more than you can handle. Forbes says one of the number one reasons businesses fail is because […]

Giving Up the Struggle and Getting Published

It’s almost engrained in us from the time we pop out of the womb: keep your head down and work hard—as if to say that the harder we slave away, the more successful we’ll become, or the better life we’ll live. Last I checked, this path will likely wind you up with the same dreaded […]

Excuses Be Gone. Just Do It.

It’s time to stop procrastinating. Yes YOU. In case you haven’t heard… I need your listening ears, your reading eyes.. and your help… now. If you haven’t heard my recent shout outs about the just-launched “Book Smackdown,” seriously, don’t miss out. I’ve been pretty loud about it lately. And for good reason. Now’s your chance […]

Writer’s Block Smackdown: Taking the First Step

We’ve all got to start somewhere. Sometimes the first step is the hardest. You’ve heard me talk about my just-launched (as of yesterday!) “Book Smackdown.” I wrote it because I know how tough taking that first step can be. I wrote it so that instead of this…   Your first step can feel like this… […]


And it’s finally here. But guess what? It’ll stay a secret unless you take ONE SINGLE SUPER DUPER EASY STEP: Click HERE to claim a book that will change your life: Just-launched (today!) “Book Smackdown:” The ONE thing you must do to write your book and 10 EASY ways to GET IT DONE! You pre-order […]


I loved hearing one of my readers say this. It let me know that my book gives the REAL help authors are craving. Seriously. There are so many self-help, coaching, publishing books on the market, how do you know where to start? Sick of getting bogged down with the mountain of tasks it seems to […]

Ready, Set, WRITE!

Aaaand, you freeze. Writers block. Every time. So you stop trying. You don’t write. You wish you could, but it’s become a chore. All kinds of excuses start popping up as to why you aren’t writing. “There’s not enough time. My ideas aren’t good enough. It’ll never go anywhere… I just suck. There are better […]

Transformation Time: Growing the Balls to Say YES

No. Not yes to everything that comes at you. I mean growing the balls to say YES to YOU. Yes to what your soul wants. Our world is plagued by the suffering that comes from too often saying yes to the demands of others (and ignoring our own needs). Too many of us say yes […]