Why A Soul’s Purpose Book Can Change Your Life
Some of us know that we have a message inside of us that absolutely must be carried out into the world.
I knew for years that I was meant to be a writer. And not in the “gee, I think I’ll sit a coffee shop with my journal and a latte for a couple of hours” kind of way. Or the “maybe I’ll start a new feed on Tumblr” kind of way. I knew that I had books that I had to write. I knew that I had to be a writer. I lived, ate, and breathed the Word.
I blogged for years and got national attention. I wrote copy. I wrote articles. I had a column on spiritual travel. I wrote. And even then, I could feel my soul calling me to more. I was feeding my soul just enough to keep her from screaming out at me, but not enough to truly satisfy her.
My Soul was demanding her due. She knew what I was capable of. She remembered my Soul’s Purpose, and she wasn’t going to let me out of the contract without kicking and screaming and causing a ruckus.
I tried bargaining with her. I wrote a book. I edited it over, and over again. But I let it sit on my desk. I didn’t send it out for publication. I thought my soul would be satisfied.
See, I wrote a book.
But that wasn’t enough, and I knew it. My book had to be published. I had to get out there. I had to stop hiding behind my imagined smallness and stand up and be seen. Really and truly seen, as the great big me that I had always been terrified to really be. Not the filtered me. Not the politically correct me. Not the me that my friends and family would approve of. The real, actual, authentic me. The soul-level me. The me that knows my Soul’s Purpose and isn’t willing to settle for anything less. So I wrote my book. I published it myself. And I finally stepped into the me that wasn’t afraid of being seen. And if you want help doing the same thing, then I know how to help get you there. Let’s talk. tracee@traceesioux.com
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