Be the Best Thing That’s Ever Happened In Your Life
Let’s play a game. I want you to close your eyes for a second…

Why Everything You Ever Wanted Is Still Waiting For You…
Your Soul has an incredible sense of higher knowing. It was incredible…

Being Flexible While Maintaining Focus
When you are on a Soul Journey, you go through a lot of shifts.…

Be Careful What You Wish For
I was about halfway through my Year of YES! when I started seeing…

Learning to Love Yourself FIRST
As a mom I know how ridiculous it can be to work, take care of…

Why does a Law of Attraction Forum Work?
A Law of Attraction Forum can increase the speed by which you…

Successful Women, Horny Men and the Power of Touch
One of the things I have learned in my exploration of dating…

The Secret Law of Attraction, What if You Already Have It?
I once shopped all over town for the perfect pair of dancing…

Single Again? Law of Attraction and Relationships
I became single at 39 after a 12 year marriage. Not so unusual…

Leaving Room for Law of Attraction and Relationships
Since I started dating I’ve been tracking the results of some…

Manifesting Love is Tricky
Love is a tricky word. It has so many meanings and connotations…

How to be really supportive, what is a true friend?
When you were in school do you remember when you’d rejoice…