Leaving Room for Law of Attraction and Relationships

family-469580_640Since I started dating I’ve been tracking the results of some Law of Attraction and Relationships techniques.

For some reason this anniversary post on Facebook from an acquaintance really resonated with me, He’s everything I needed, but didn’t know I wanted.

Wow, I thought. I wonder what would happen if that’s what I asked for. I wonder who I would end up with if I just surrendered it like that.

And a funny thing did happen. I started asking for My Perfect Match. But, I left the details up to the Universe.

Do note that prior to this I had made various declarations, must have and deal breaker lists, drawings, dream board images, etc. so I had been getting clearer and clearer about qualities and characteristics that I believed I wanted. And the Universe had been getting closer and closer when sending me new candidates.

But, then I opened it up. Send me the Perfect Match for Me. Not the perfect man, but the one that lines up with me. The one with the matching energy so we can be happy. The qualities that will make me happy, even if I don’t know what they are.

It’s a kind of leap of faith. And guess what? I would meet someone and they might have all the qualities I had written on my list and nope … not a match. But then I would meet someone and they’d be nothing I would have ever asked for and I would find my heart opening like a lotus flower.

Now, I’m not married happily ever after as of yet. And that is intentional. Still, I am having great success with men since making this surrendered request.

Send me the perfect match for me.  

Try this affirmation and let me know how it goes.

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