soul path

Being Flexible While Maintaining Focus

soul pathWhen you are on a Soul Journey, you go through a lot of shifts. I know I did when I was walking the path to get to where I am today. You think your Soul is calling you in one direction and you start creating expectations about what it might look or feel like, only to discover that your Ego has gotten in the way again.

One of the most valuable things I have learned out of my Year of YES! wasn’t just about trusting my Soul to get me to where I needed to be, it was about learning how to stay in a place of receiving and flexibility while I went through all of the shifts, and turns, and ups, and downs, and the occasional trip to Crazytown to get to where my Soul knew that I needed to be. Your Soul is focused. Your Ego distracts you.

Riding with your Soul takes flexibility. And depending on your Soul’s Purpose, it could end up being one heck of a ride. You have so many obstacles, and limitations, and woulds, and family of origin, and friend, and relationship things come up that your Soul will bring to you. And the Soul doesn’t often just nudge. When the Soul wants you to listen, especially if you have made yourself numb, or you are just awakening to your Soul’s Purpose, even if your Soul does nudge you, it’s probably going to be off the edge of a cliff.

This is where being flexible comes in. You trust Soul. You trust your guides, mentors, teachers, and tools. You trust that your Soul will bring you all of the resources that you need in that moment. And lo and behold, maybe you learn how to build parachutes. It’s when our Ego gets in the way that we get distracted and end up crashing in the rocks. If you feel like your Ego is getting in the way of your Soul’s Purpose, then I’d love to talk with you about how life coaching can give you the tools and support you need to take your life, relationships, and business to the next level.

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