busyness to business

Believing In Your Business and Removing the Busy-ness

busyness to businessAs a WAHM for many years, I know exactly what it takes to try and stay grounded, be super productive, and still wear all the hats that it takes to run a house and take care of a family. It’s exhausting! I think moms who work out of their homes are our country’s #1 underutilized economic resource for that very reason.

Moms are productivity ninjas by design. Out of necessity. We. have. to. make. stuff. work.

So, you have your business. You’re starting to feel confident. But you need more clients. And… where do you put them. Your life is being taken over by your busy-ness and now your business is suffering as a result.

How do you receive when your arms are already full? Are you going to open up your arms and trust in the Universe to provide more for you? Are you willing to trust in the beautiful, expansive, abundant life that I know is waiting for you?

Being productive is so much more than filling your time with stuff. I know that you know this. I know that you know that you know this. It’s time to start opening up. It’s time to start doing something new.

If you want to really invest in your business and make it go, if you’re ready to start really living out your calling in the world, then one of the first things that you have to do is master your use of time. The way we manage our resources speaks volumes about our priorities. We know that we need to invest financially in our businesses. We need tools and support systems. We need services and assistance. We pay for all of these things. And we learn along the way (if we are effective managers of our business) which things are paying out and really worth it.

It’s time to do the same thing with your time. Your time doesn’t have to run you. Use your time for you. Build the lifestyle your Soul is calling for, and be the master of Time in your own life. Make Love to Time.

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