Relationships and Law of Attraction: The Love Test

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful…

Friends or Frenemies

Ainsley's 3rd grade friendship troubles around bragging and…

Thanksgiving 2010

We cooked together while rocking out to Pandora's Christmas…

Life Coach: Bullying Bystanders Unite with Technology

Hey U.G.L.Y. (Unique, Gifted, Lovable, You) has started a campaign…

Maternal Influence – REAL Power

Though I acknowledge that the culture at large plays a significant…

Life Coach: Halloween 2010

Zack is a Flying Dragon, Ainsley is a Vampire, I am Dorothy…

Glee’s Lea Michele, First GQ, Now in Bed With Dove

Last week Lea Michele, the lead actress and head Gleek on the…

Law of Attraction and Relationships: Ding & Dash

We crept through the dark of night, hunched over, on tip-toes,…

Fast Baseball or Slow – Dating Dilemma

You remember Kevin and Ericka? The Unofficial The Girl Revolution…

Slapstick Romance

Remember when Kevin make a body-centered comment to a girl he…

Teen Girls Aren't As Stupid As I Thought

Teen girls aren't as stupid as I thought. I know, this is a…

The Girl Revolution 40 Days of Love

The Girl Revolution 40 Days of Love. Our church is doing…