Tag Archive for: traditional roles

Empowering Girls: Auto Mechanics

I do not want Ainsley growing up feeling like she can't do anything…

Housekeeping Paraphernalia

by Tracee Sioux Mommy, can I have that Kid's Washer &…

Self Portrait of a Housewife

This is a self portrait of a 1950s housewife. What do you see? Thank…

Sharks v. Happy Feet

By Tracee Sioux Good Job! You can do it! Get that ball! You're…

See That One Girl?

This is the company photo for WordPress.com. See that one woman…

You Don't Have To Obey

by Tracee SiouxI took my kids out for Chinese food last week…

Name = Identity

by Tracee SiouxHey Tracee Jones! Tracee Jones! Tracee Jones!I…

Kat Von D Rocks

by Tracee SiouxOne wouldn't immediately think of a tatoo artist…

Arguing = Better Pay

By Tracee SiouxObey. Don't argue. This is not negotiable. Just…

Long Distance Mothering

I recently met a woman who faced a fascinating dilemma. Would…

Money & Happiness

by Tracee Sioux One of the points Suze Orman brings up in her…

Cleanliness – Women & Money

By Tracee Sioux One of the things I wish I had inherited from…