Tag Archive for: rape

Change My Life: Spring Break Rape Vibe

Spring Break will be descending on the world over the next few…

Soul Path: Private Practice Rape

So there's this evil character on Private Practice, she's the…

Soul Path: Gratuitous Rape

I've noticed a trend in literature in the last few years: gratuitous…

Respect RX Kits

Statistics from Respect RX: • 1 in every 2 females worldwide…

She Liked It

The other day a group of junior high boys were laughing about…

Talking to Kids About Love

Oprah's discussion with sex offenders got me thinking. Hopefully…

Child Molesters Tell The Truth On Oprah.com

Anyone who has children should watch the two hours of Oprah's…

Sex & Violence in Advertising

This story ran last week without photographs (sorry BB Mama).…

Worth Paying Taxes For

There are some things worth paying taxes for . . . Roads. Schools.…

Wash My Brain Out With Soap

My husband and I declared date night and thought it would be…

Belle – Battered Codependent

By now no one will be surprised when I say that I’m not a huge…

You Brought the Whoop Ass on Child Rapists and Pornographers

In the battle over our children - parents versus child rapists…