Child Molesters Tell The Truth On


Anyone who has children should watch the two hours of Oprah’s Conversation with Child Molesters.

The molesters are candid and as honest as they know how to be.

It should make parents Fear Less and tune into their Intuition More.

There are four molesters who confess a great deal: one old man who molested a five year old little girl who loved him enough to call him Grandpa, one adult man who used the words “I love you” to rape four teenagers, one boy/man who used his younger cousin’s parental manipulate, molest and rape her for nearly a decade, and one father who fantasized about performing oral sex on his 12-year-old daughter, until he began touching her in her sleep in real life.

The common themes among these molesters were fantasy first. They all said it stemmed from fantasy first. They all used their victim’s love for them and trust in them to manipulate them. They all lied to themselves about what they were doing, making them excellent liars to the girls’ parents.

When Oprah asked one man if he thought about what he had done to his victim he responded poignantly, “I killed who she would have been.”

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