Tag Archive for: money

Empowering Girls: School FundRaisers

Dear Friends and Family, I know you love Ainsley and so…

Girl-Empowering '09 Budget

Send "this letter to your Representatives encouraging the Senate…

Math Perceptions

Taken from xkcd, also appearing on feministing.

Unbelievably Fabulous

by Tracee Sioux I've been afraid that if I tell you about…

High School Musical 2

by Tracee SiouxEveryone is talking about High School Musical…

Money & Happiness

by Tracee Sioux One of the points Suze Orman brings up in her…

Cleanliness – Women & Money

By Tracee Sioux One of the things I wish I had inherited from…

New Money

By Tracee SiouxI found Chapter 1 in Women & Money: Owning the…

Dear God and Dave Ramsey

Dear God and Dave Ramsey:Not that you’re one and the same or…

Dave Ramsey Should Pay Me

I find it terribly unempowering when debt eats you alive. Going…

Generous & Grateful

By Tracee Sioux I think generosity and gratefulness are two…