The Optimized Woman

There are times during the month when women naturally feel a…

Jesus, Foot Washing

The Bible . . . You know the story where Jesus washes his disciples'…

Four Generation Makeover

My parents have been in town. Very exciting and fun for all of…

Toddler T$&#y Tassle Shirt

Ainsley doesn't think this shirt is inappropriate because it…

Mother-Daughter Self Image

This is Ainsley's Madmen self image. She doesn't get to watch…

The Anti-Shocker

Hollister back to school t-shirts are inappropriate. They have…

Swimsuits, Clothes & Body Image

One major secret to a positive body image is wearing the right…

Perfect Ass

Ainsley, do not borrow shorts with words on the booty ever…

Controversial Post About Body Hair

Having given this a great deal of thought I've come to a fairly…

Sniff … Sniff … Tween Spirit?

I was at a Toastmasters Contest Saturday when I smelled something.…

Better Dead Than Red

by Leola Dublin My friend Jillian* called me last week with the…