Change My Life: Fat Suit and a Thong
Wonder how many girls could get away with a thong and…
Glee’s Lea Michele, First GQ, Now in Bed With Dove
Last week Lea Michele, the lead actress and head Gleek on the…
Deconstructing Halloween Dress Up
Yesterday I ran a post, Girls Sexuality Exploited by Culture…
Soul Path: The Dark and The Light
You can't get this kind of breathtaking beauty without the…
New Moon Girls 18th Birthday
Some things never change. But New Moon Girls ISN'T one of those…
Life Coach: Emotional Crystal Ball
One of the things I like least about being a parent is being…
Fast Baseball or Slow – Dating Dilemma
You remember Kevin and Ericka? The Unofficial The Girl Revolution…
Change My Life: Beauty Confession
I have a confession to make. . .
I think I'm beautiful.