Blond Ambition II

I'm sorry. I just can not feel like Tracee Sioux with plain…

Dove Reality Diaries

by Tracee Sioux More and more I'm coming into contact with…

So Totally Ana

by Tracee Sioux I'm reading this little book called Bergdorf…

Seventeen Body Peace Treaty

By Tracee Sioux Seventeen Magazine and Dove are asking girls…


What is there to say? This is what we do to girls in this country…

APA Reports Sexualization of Girls Devastating

by Tracee Sioux The American Psychological Association has…

Human Biology & Girls' Rights

by Tracee Sioux The absurdity of abstinence-only "education"…

Beauty & Reality

I'm a big fan of Dove's advertising campaigns. When I saw the…

We Bleed

By Tracee SiouxI've been racking my brain, trying to figure out…

False Eyelashes

by Tracee SiouxI was attempting to teach my five-year-old daughter…

Growing A Girl

By Tracee SiouxI highly recommend Growing a Girl: Seven Strategies…

Amendment to Beauty Bank Rule

By Tracee Sioux For practical purposes I must amend my previous…