Steal This Christmas Gift Please!

In everything we've been reading the damaging effects of media…

1st PosterGirl – Hannah

Our first Poster Girl, six-year-old Hannah, breaks boards at…

Face Off – Self Esteem vs. Body Dysmorphia

We went to the Exploratorium in San Francisco. One particular…

Bikini Waxing Tweens & Early Puberty

There was a story on Today Show, Too young? Preteen…

Empowering Girls: Yoga Skills

One of my goals, as a parent, is to teach my daughter coping…

So Sexy So Soon

I'm currently reading this book for review, I'll let you know…

10 Antidotes to Self-Objectification & Sexualization of Girls

Self Objectification occurs when girls believe the media and…

Empowering Girls: Breast Cancer Risks

Parents should be aware that there are three things that increase…

Empowering Girls: Hootchy Clothes

If you are using words like hootchy, skank, slut, whore or…

Empowering Girls: Olympic Hero's

Char has a great post on the 30 Olympians In Their Teens over…

Y's Letter to My Body

Yvonne from Joy Unexpected read this as the Community Keynote…

Empowering Girls: Marketing Boundaries

Marketers are intentionally exploiting the vulnerabilities…