Soul Talk

My soul has been whispering at me to do something for several…

Hormonal Attachment & Work

Yesterday I read my horoscope for 2011 and it said, among…

Friends or Frenemies

Ainsley's 3rd grade friendship troubles around bragging and…

The Gift of Maternal Lineage

It's very powerful to know from whom you come. I met an artist…

Life Coach: Dancing Away

Children learn their most significant and lasting lessons about…

Life Coach: Bullying Bystanders Unite with Technology

Hey U.G.L.Y. (Unique, Gifted, Lovable, You) has started a campaign…

Life Coach: Halloween 2010

Zack is a Flying Dragon, Ainsley is a Vampire, I am Dorothy…

One-third of Kids’ Day – TV & Internet

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children…

Christine O’Donnell, Not a Witch

Delaware Republican Senatorial candidate Christine O'Donnell…

Life Coach: Introspective Self-Portrait

I used to think Xerox Art was super-cool. Because it is. I…

Power Self-Portrait

I painted this in my 20's, probably my early 20's. This…

Soul Path: Roman Catholic Womenpriests

I've been excited to hear about the 100 women who claim authority…