The Gift of Maternal Lineage
It's very powerful to know from whom you come. I met an artist…
Life Coach: Bullying Bystanders Unite with Technology
Hey U.G.L.Y. (Unique, Gifted, Lovable, You) has started a campaign…
Life Coach: Halloween 2010
Zack is a Flying Dragon, Ainsley is a Vampire, I am Dorothy…
One-third of Kids’ Day – TV & Internet
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children…
Christine O’Donnell, Not a Witch
Delaware Republican Senatorial candidate Christine O'Donnell…
Life Coach: Introspective Self-Portrait
I used to think Xerox Art was super-cool. Because it is.
Soul Path: Roman Catholic Womenpriests
I've been excited to hear about the 100 women who claim authority…