Life Coach: Introspective Self-Portrait

I used to think Xerox Art was super-cool. Because it is.

I painted this, with oil, from a framed Xerox of my face while in college.

I spent my 20’s in a bit of angst. I had pretty decent reasons, boyfriends were all druggies with a tendency to knock me around, stalk me or be otherwise addicted psychotics and I tended to have overly-dramatic relationships with pretty much everyone. Maybe I should’ve sought help from a life coach, back then.

I think I believed that the more extreme emotions were more valid than less extreme feelings, like peace. Thank God I’ve changed that thinking.

Now, I wonder how much more fun it would have been to be one of those happy, go-getter sorority girls.

If you’re in need of a life coach, look no further than Tracee Sioux.  Subscribe to her newsletter to see how she has helped others and can possibly help you, too.

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