Tag Archive for: parenting

Mothering Karma & Holy Inspiration

Ainsley is 7 years old today. I've been a mother for 7 years. This,…

Empowering Girls: Attitude Boot Camp

Whatever the cause of Ainsley's recent attitude problem, I…

Empowering Girls: Attitude Problem

So, you can tell from my Hannah Ban that my 6-year-old daughter's…

Empowering Girls: 1,000 Ways to Accidentally Kill Your Kids

Parenting magazines should be renamed, 1,000 Ways to Accidentally…

Arguing = Better Pay

By Tracee SiouxObey. Don't argue. This is not negotiable. Just…

What the $%^&*!

By Tracee SiouxFill in the blank with whatever you want to believe…

Growing A Girl

By Tracee SiouxI highly recommend Growing a Girl: Seven Strategies…

Where Do Babies Come From?

By Tracee Sioux A few weeks ago I was at a mentor/mentee slumber…

Breathe, Thumbalina, Breathe

By Tracee Sioux Close your eyes and breathe in pink puffs of…