Tag Archive for: parenting

Warning Mothers: Abort Girl Empowerment Mission, Quick!

Abort mission! Abort mission! Before it's too late! Quick!…

Law of Attraction & Relationships: Co-Parent & Wasband

I call my ex-husband my co-parent and my wasband. Co-parent…

Change My Life: Calling Me a Single Mom is Unfair to Single Moms

Now that I'm divorced I suppose I could be called a "single…

Life Coaching: The Year of No Extra-Curriculars

We have taken the year off from extra-curricular activities.…

Law of Attraction & Relationships: 10 Requirements for "Exceptional Mothering" Parenting Philosophy

I still, after 10.5 years of mothering, can't figure out which…

Congratulations Mama! Baby is 5!

My youngest child turned five yesterday! Five! 5! FIVE! What…

The Beauty of Flawed Parenting

Our job as parents is not to be flawless or perfect. Our…

Hormonal Attachment & Work

Yesterday I read my horoscope for 2011 and it said, among…

Kids With Cell Phones

This is Ainsley and her PawPaw showing off their new cell…

Life Coach: Emotional Crystal Ball

One of the things I like least about being a parent is being…

Girl Poet

Today my Mom yelled at me. So I cried until the room was…

Millionaire Women Next Door Parents

Millionaire Women Next Door: The Many Journeys of Successful…