Minister of God, Peggy
Last night my seven-year-old daughter, Ainsley, had the privileged of seeing her grandmother become a Licensed Minister.
My mother-in-law Peggy Thornton became, the FIRST female Licensed Minister in her church.
It was very exciting to finally have her work acknowledged and validated after all these years – I’m sure for her, but for Jeremy, Ainsley, Zack and I too.
My in-laws, Danny and Peggy Thornton, run a missionary organization called Beyond Ourselves. They are missionary clowns. They go to 3rd world countries – Peru, Columbia, Venezuela, Bolivia – orchestrating big conferences to teach clowning, puppets and mime to Sunday school teachers. My father-in-law has been a minister for eons, as was his father and his brother as well. Peggy has been a Minister without a title, until last night.
It’s great to see churches acknowledging the leadership roles already being performed by women.
I am so very proud of her.
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