Editing! Editing! Editing! Dream Board “Accidents” (Law of Attraction and Relationships)

Earlier this month I was feeling lonely and sad. And I mean lonely and sad. It was out-of-character for me.

Suddenly, I was sitting in my vintage green meditation chair, enjoying the serenity of my new pink bedroom, sad and lonely, when I *saw* my 2014 Dream Board with fresh eyes. (Make sure to sign up to get a FREE copy of BadAss Magic and Fierce Miracles to learn how to make a Dream Board that really works—it’s in the header and the footer of this post!)

DreamBoard2014 I was alone. Well, the symbolic version of me was alone. Single women were all over the dang thing. There were women exercising and running the Tough Mudder alone. Single women were being “soft and feminine and sensual” alone. I was working alone. I was multi-tasking alone. I was having spiritual experiences like meditation by my self. Even the images of me, were me being alone. There were a few images of my relationship ideal, but, otherwise, I was living a life, accomplishing dreams and ambitiously kicking ass alone. 

Once I *saw* it I rushed over and tore off several of the images. I still want essentially the same things, but I want to do them with the people I love! I’m lucky to have really fantastic relationships in my life, from my children to my friends to my work colleagues.  I’m going to be the luckiest woman in the world when the perfect man shows up. And yet, on one of my most powerful manifesting tools, I had depicted myself alone. 

This Dream Board is manifesting FAST! I’d only had the board up for a few short weeks. I’ve found that the more you practice manifesting the faster and easier it is to do. Sometimes that means you come up against unforeseen results and consequences faster than you might have previously.

It’s a simple fix. I immediately went to Googling and printing from my iPhoto albums. I still wanted essentially the same things, but I want them with My People! I want their help, I want their support, I want the community, I want to have fun with them, I want to have intimate and loving relationships. I want to be living my life with My People, not as a single woman doing everything myself alone. I added my important friendships, my family, having fun with my children, my mastermind groups, a staff and a family.

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I also filled up the empty spaces, realizing that I know what I want if I just have the guts to put impossible things on this board. Not everyone wants a purple Mercedes station wagon and a McMansion—but I do.

As in writing, so much of Law of Attraction and Relationships is in the editing. Editing. Editing. Editing.

Editing your beliefs. Editing your thoughts. Editing your visions. Editing your goals and ambitions. Editing your behavior for the best outcome. Editing your speech. Editing vision statements. And yes, editing your Dream Boards.

Go back to your Dream Board and *see* it with new eyes. Do you really, really, really want what’s on it? Please leave a comment or interact with me on my Facebook page, because I really am curious to know whether you’ve “accidentally” put something on your dream board that’s having an unexpected outcome.


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