Burnout: Successful Women

PageLines- female.jpegSuccessful women don’t burnout.

Do you know why? Because successful women understand that they can’t do everything alone, so they learn to ask for help, outsource and delegate.

They don’t DIY their lives, rather they find social, spiritual and professional support.

No, the kind of woman that burns out is something else. It doesn’t matter how much money she makes or what title she’s put on her business card … a woman who’s in burn out is frazzled, busy, overwhelmed, feels chronically inadequate, never has time for herself … and in America we call her Super Mom or Super Woman.

But, this is not a definition of “success.”

Not for me anyway. No, the definition of a successful woman, in my dictionary, is someone who has found a way to live her Soul’s Purpose. She’s committed to a life of spiritual depth and joy,

She has time for herself, she experiences pleasure and white space in her life.

She gets really ambitious things done and her business is thriving because she asks for help and her life is full of meaning.

If you’re living like that … there is no burnout.

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