Tag Archive for: body image
Good Mama & Purple Hair on Today Show
Ainsley's purple and blue hair were featured on the Today…
If This is Progress Where the Hell Are We Going?
The blogosphere is confusing the hell out of me. Specifically…
Soul Path: Shit Skinny Girls Deal With
Since I had the babies and have been on a journey to get back…
The Self Esteem Act is a Stupid Waste of Time
This is not real beauty. The photographs you see in magazines,…
"Demi Lovato Hates Herself," she said.
"You're lucky you got my hair, it's gorgeous," I say while…
Ophelia and Unconscious Puberty
Books such as Reviving Ophelia, Saving Beauty From the Beast,…
It’s So Hard to Like My Body!
Everywhere I look, especially on the Internets, I hear women…
Change My Life: Fat Suit and a Thong
Wonder how many girls could get away with a thong and…
New Moon Girls 18th Birthday
Some things never change. But New Moon Girls ISN'T one of those…