Seven Sisters for All Things Girl

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Amy Jussel, executive Director of Shaping Youth included me in her Seven Sisters for All Things Girl series.

She said such nice things about me that it literally made me blush. For some reason I don’t get many comments so it’s really, really validating and affirming to know that there are people out there reading and appreciating my work. (Several readers have told me they are sometimes struck speechless — I choose to take that as a compliment.)

Her Seven Sensational Blogs About Girls also serves as a nice introduction so some of the other Girl, Power Bloggers out there. I think I’ll hope around some of those links, subscribe to some feeds and add them to my blogroll and extend the invitation for them to respond in kind – after all, we have a common interest.

Reign of the Girl Child is preteen specific and its author Felicia Richardson-Battle is also the author of Feel Good Girl.

Girls Horse Club is a blogazine created by girls for girls. If your daughter has an interest in horses and blogging this could be her online home. The girls are coralled by LeadMare, Michelle Bushneff. Yee Haw!

What About Our Daughters by Gina, who appears to share my conviction that the current economic situation is not a surprise if you were paying attention. (It’s awfully political over there, I’m on a political fast.) Gina is also running a Michelle Obama Watch website which highlights the ways in which Michelle is treated by the public and the media. That could get interesting.

I was happy to see my friend Claire Mysko on the list. I’ve written about and given away copies of her book You’re Amazing, A No-Pressure Guide To Being Your Best Self. You will want to check out her site 5 Resolutions to Transform The Fashion and Beauty Industries.

Also my b5media friend and fellow blogger Charlene Polansky’s blog Sports Girls Play is on the list. Char writes about how to raise your daughter to be a fantastic, striving for excellence athlete. Check out this handy printable training journal to help your daughter track athletic goals.
Vanessa Van Petten writes On Youth and Teens Today . She is writing to the net-generation (why didn’t I think of that?) and the Dirt-E Secrets of an Internet Kid an e-book which will tell parents all the really bad stuff to watch out for when monitoring their kids’ Internet usage. (I’m afraid to look.)

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