Prepped for Kindergarten

By Tracee Sioux

I don’t know who is more excited for the first day of Kindergarten, me or Ainsley. I’ve taken the education/parenting thing seriously and am sending a child who can read, write, do basic math, understands the color wheel, is quite good at logic and negotiation and loves homework.

She’s a genius. Do all mother’s feel that way about their children? I certainly hope so.

She’s most excited about riding the bus. She even begged to be allowed to do it on the first day. She’s been eyeing that bus since she was about 18-months-old, as the golden prize of being a big-kid. She can hold her own. I’m confident of that.

She has an October birthday and I had tried to get her admitted last year. No budging on that Sept. 1 deadline. I’m so glad now. She’s the tallest, brightest, most mature, smartest, most confident one in the class. That kind of head start could take her through college. Well, elementary school at least.

Jeez, I’m so proud of the good early-parenting, Kindergarten-readiness work I’ve done I expect the teacher to send a gold star home to me.

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