Petition for Un-Princess Movies
I found a great resource on Packaging Girlhood, inspired by a letter from Linda Holmes (It’s good, go read it).
We so loved Linda Holmes’ letter to Pixar, we decided to support her with a petition. Here it is:
Dear Dr. Catmull and Mr. Iger,
We read Linda Holmess wonderful letter to Pixar (link below) asking you to create a feature film with a girl or women as the main character. Weve had enough of Disney princesses with doe eyes and Barbie doll bodies. We love your inventive, brilliant movies. We know you have it in you. We loved feisty Princess Atta in A Bugs Life and Shreks Princess Fiona was our kind of girl, but the stories werent theirs to tell, nor the journeys theirs to take. We want a female LEAD character, a nonprincess LEAD character who is complex and interesting. While youre at it, could you give her a passion for something other than fashion and shopping, and how about a realistic body type? Girls are 25% of characters in animated films and 52% of the population. Research tells us boys care less about gender than interesting characters. Theyll watch if shes cool enough. Come on, give us just one. If you make it, we will come to the theaters in droves. Promise!
Your concerned customers
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