Hannah Montana, The Movie

If you want to win Mother-of-the-Year take your kids to see Hannah Montana, The Movie.

I took Ainsley and her BFF on opening day and they both loved it.

The plot, I’ll warn you now, is the exact same plot of every single one of the television episodes, but evidently some people (children) don’t get bored with the same plot.

Hannah Montana has a lot of career choices and must-do appearances that interfere with her alter-ego Miley’s interpersonal relationships – best friend Lily, father, brother, school – sort of like every adult woman I know, especially working mothers.

She often makes the mistake of scheduling a “Hannah Event,” like the Music Awards or a save-the-town concert and a “Miley Event” like her first date with a cute cowboy for the same exact. same. time.

Then you get to watch her run through revolving doors changing clothes and wigs – brown, blond, brown, blond, brown, blond – while she changes and confuses her roles and identities.

If I could bring that back to the modern-day woman’s dilemma – I’m a professional, I’m a mom, I’m a professional, I’m a mom, I wear a business suit, I wear my yoga pants with spit up on them, I wear a business suit, I wear my yoga pants with spit up on them. Like that.

Eventually she gets busted, just as we all do.

When you get down to it Disney is just trying to prepare young girls for the crazy hectic and stressful insanity of being a mom and a professional – right? Well, YOU’RE the one who said you wanted “the best of both worlds,” is often repeated in the show (and in the lives of real women).

Anywho, you can take your kids to see this and there will be no inappropriate nudity or violence. Nothing inappropriate at all. Really.

You do, however, get to see Hannah Montana throw down with Tyra Banks over a pair of designer heels.

Other celebrity cameos include Rascal Flatts, Taylor Swift, Vanessa Williams, Cheryl Hines, David Archuleta, and Zac Efron.

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