Empowering Girls: Clean Your Room!


EIGHT hours later we emerged with a giant garbage bag full of trash – kindergarten papers, church papers, artwork, broken toys, mucked up play makeup, pieces of jewelry, rocks and sea shells.

We also had a giant bag of clothes – clothes she’s grown out of, pants that show her panties when she sits, and the ones she thinks are too ugly to wear.

She can now close her drawers and she’ll be able to find her stuff for about a week.

In 6 months we’ll go excavate again.

I wish the church would stop handing out loads of paper every time we walk through the door. She never looks at it again, but feels emotionally attached to it.

It wouldn’t have taken so long if she hadn’t gone through every single paper to remark, This was some of my best coloring.” She was emotionally attached to every piece of scrap paper she ever scribbled on.

We can’t keep everything Ainsley. If we want new things, we have to make room for them by getting rid of old things. (Said the mother who keeps more than one ugly sweater, lots of old notebooks, parts to who knows what, and pants that don’t fit “just in case.)”

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