The Divine Feminine Needs a Nap, Women are Overcommitted and Commitment Phobic

The Divine Feminine needing a nap.
Recently, I tried to gather up a group of women who work in some way with the Divine Feminine. We were going to stage a workshop event. Everyone thought it was a fabulous idea. But, it wouldn’t get off the ground. We met once, but didn’t make a definitive plan. I should note that I showed up to this meeting having broken my shoulder the previous day. We scheduled another meeting but, people didn’t feel like it because Colorado was on fire. So we cancelled. Then we scheduled again and though everyone said they were super-into-it, only two people came to the meeting. One of the primary organizers left another late meeting and crashed, calling to apologize the next morning. When she had to rush off the phone to take another call.
A friend of mine attempted to create a similar group gathering. This time around a prosperity consciousness book club. Several people were all about it. They gave her email addresses. Then they cancelled at the last minute or just never showed up. I was the solitary member.
I have writerly friends and we’ve tossed around the idea of a writers group. But the idea keeps being tossed.
No one can commit. Because women are commitment phobic, a result of being over-committed.
I have friends. I think. I mean, I haven’t heard from them in a while. I don’t think it’s because of anything I’ve done. My friends are women. And women are doing everything, which means they never get to do anything. Which kind of sucks. I remember having friends and it was fun. You know, calling someone up and saying, “Wanna go have a cup of coffee?” or “Hey what are you doing this weekend? Nothing? Wanna come over?”
As it is, even if someone agrees to do something, whether it’s lunch or a monthly group or a meeting of some sort, it’s not surprising when they flake out, reschedule or simply blow it off at the last minute.
I was taking this prosperity class at my church and our assignment was to envision the life we want. One of my classmates put our commitment conundrum succinctly, “I think this is what I want, but if this means another appointment, then I’m out.” In other words, I’m so over-committed that I can’t even entertain the idea of getting my dream life. Where would it fit?
As I sat with the two women who showed up to our meeting of the Divine Feminine, it was a sad and lonely sight.
“This is 2012,” I said. “Aren’t women supposed to be taking over the world this year?”
“Ooph,” my exhausted friend Stephanie sighed. “Can’t we reschedule that?”
Tracee Sioux is a Law of Attraction Coach at She is the author of Love Distortion: Belle, Battered Codependent and Other Love Stories. Contact her at
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