Wow. Look what happens when you say YES!

March 24, 2016

5.0 out of 5 starsWow. Look what happens when you say YES!

Ready for a ride? Put on your seat belts please!

There are many things coming to mind about this book at once. Tracee really, in my opinion, takes a big risk putting her whole story out there for the world to see in explicit detail. A book like this, with so much in-your-face truth in it, can go either way. It can make people love you or it can make people hate you. Tracee bares her Soul (and a lot more) in this book to tell her tale of healing and growth and does not shy away from the details (the ugly or the beautiful). This book is part of her healing journey, but more than that, it’s passing on healing and hope to those who read it and truly take it in to contemplate. This book for me was many things.

It was SCARY – Tracee experienced so many things in her lifetime that I will never experience, nor would I want to. Some of the things I can’t even comprehend experiencing. She not only made it through her rough and jagged experiences alive, but she MADE herself into who she wanted to be through trust, through love, through sheer will. She exhibits strength, determination and faith that many, many people just don’t have.

It was THRILLING – Tracee did things – daring things, wild things – that I would never do, but I was intrigued to read about and experience them through her senses and her words. And she did things that I would love to do but have not yet done, so I truly enjoyed living the experiences of those things through her and imagining myself experiencing them in my way. Some of her experiences I have also experienced, but I’ve obviously only experienced them as myself. Experiencing them again through Tracee’s point-of-view made me reflect on and appreciate them in a new way. I feel like, in a way, she’s paved the way for someone like me who is more cautious and takes smaller skips instead of giant leaps into the unknown and has sent back a message that it’s safe to cross the turbulent river of life.

It was TRIUMPHANT – Tracee overcame what seemed like insurmountable odds in her life and from her past because, in my opinion, she has (and always had) a strong inner being, a spark of inextinguishable light that was going to shine no matter what. I love that she said YES! to her Soul and trusted it to help her light grow from a tiny spark to a giant radiating beam.

I know Tracee personally. In fact, I’m a light-bringer and a way-shower myself working to shine my light and share my gifts with the world. We first crossed paths in 2013 at the business coaching seminar she talks about in the book. Back then she seemed to me like a seedling just starting her journey (just like I was), and I watched her grow into a beautiful, blossoming, radiant flower so quickly. Her new Soul suit fits her so well now. And from watching her through this time and seeing the amazing things that she’s manifested and created, she’s totally pulled me into the vortex of her energy and I have just enrolled in her Maxcelerators Mastermind this year. My Soul has said YES! and I am listening!

I feel honored that Tracee has bared her Soul and shared her story of shedding the old, of healing the wounds, of stepping up, of taking the risks, of doing the work, of figuring out how it works. I feel honored that she has trusted me (and all of us) with so much private and delicate knowledge about her through her memoir knowing the risk that we may not be able to take her truth. Mostly, I’m thrilled that she is so graciously and generously shining her brilliant light and sharing her energy to help show others the way. She is truly a way-shower for the way-showers.

I heart you Tracee!! Congratulations on your transformation!

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