Christine Garvin

Year of YES! Client
January 19, 2016

Tracee helped me to get really clear about what I needed to shift in my business in order to bring more money in, work with my natural rhythms instead of against them, work with time in a much more efficient way, and to keep tuning back into what my soul is asking me to do.

After I started working with Tracee, I took the leap to move into my own place after sharing a house with a roommate for a couple of years. This has opened up my creativity and a sense of ease that I have not had since I started my business. I also produced a large-scale dance and variety show, which greatly increased my standing in a town that has a LOT of artists competing for attention. She helped me set goals and boundaries during this understandably stressful time, all the while helping me to begin envisioning life after the show, and moving my business to a national model that is more lucrative. She also worked with me around the need to authentically present myself to groups of women in order to grow my business, which I definitely needed a push on! I am super grateful for all the big and small things I learned while working with Tracee that are now an integral part of my business.

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