Tag Archive for: love distortion

Empowering Girls: Enchanted – New Generation Princess Fable

Disney's princess tales all attempt to answer one question:…

Empowering Girls: Princess Culture Examined

Ever wonder how and why the Disney Princess Culture distorted…

Be My Mr. Good Enough!

Do you think I should get you a Valentine? I'm going to be…

First Crush

Hey Ainsley, remember when I told you that if Austin was hitting…


By Tracee Sioux I took my kids and my Grandma to see Hairspray…

Frog Prince & Daddy

Kiss it. It might turn into a prince. You kiss it! I already…

Dating Violence

by Tracee Sioux In Texas, almost 188,000 incidents of domestic…

Shrek the Third, Princess Confrontation

We took our kids and my mentee to see Shrek the Third (Widescreen…

High School Musical 2

by Tracee SiouxEveryone is talking about High School Musical…

Service versus Codependence

By Tracee Sioux For women, I believe, it’s very difficult for…

Sexual Urban Legend

By Tracee Sioux Everyone has heard this urban legend . . . I…