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289 search results for: to the left


To the Left, Universe: Law of Attraction & Money

Soooo Close!! Sometimes the Universe sends you something that’s Oh So Close! You’ve made the list and clear requests. You’ve put it on your dream board. You’ve visualized it. Maybe it’s the red car. Maybe it’s the house. Perhaps it’s a new business or a new friend . . . or yes, even Dream Board […]


Dream Board Time 2015

Have you examined and reflected on your Dream Board from 2014? I going to share some results from people I know, clients, my family and myself to help you make an EPIC Dream Board for 2015. 20/20 Eyes First, to review last year’s board you have to see it with new eyes and figure out how […]


The Art of Allowing the Universe to Give You What You Want

The Universe is trying to give you what you want. If you don’t feel like you’re getting what you’ve asked for … you’re wrong. You are. That’s just the way it works. You ask … the Universe responds with its magnetic quantum physics pull. It’s not arbitrary, and it’s not a “sometimes this works and […]


Eye Contact

In The Way of Boys: Raising Healthy Boys in a Challenging and Complex World, Anthony Rao, Ph.D. cautions parents and educators to stop treating young boyhood as an illness. One of the interesting things Rao says is that young boys do not naturally like eye contact. I mentioned this at a party and a young […]


Mowing & Gender

I often have to bite my tongue to prevent myself from exclaiming, Oh, Zack you’re such a boy! It’s almost a reflex anytime he plays with machines, pushes around a car, stacks some blocks, plays with a ball or tries to fight. It’s a reflex most people in our family do not resist. Stereotypes are […]


Soul Purpose Coaching Packages

Your Soul came here with a Purpose for this life you’re living. It’s a unique purpose that ONLY YOU can fulfill. The whole world depends on each one of us to live our purposes to reach sustainability and healthy connectivity. The Industrial Revolution – manufacturing magnates and corrupt capitalists and politicians – told us that our purpose is to serve their purpose like a cog in their patriarchal profit machine.

They are lying!

Is it possible that the world is such a disaster because we – individually and collectively – are denying the very thing that will save us, living our True Soul Purpose!